Chapter 12

I have been busy this past couple months now that I have turned 2 years old and suing chaos in the orphanage, misplacing toys of everyone and placing them in other kids toy stash

My DK system issued me a task couple weeks after I manage to walk fast than I usually do and it entails by placing our mother's (head mistress) undergarments on the bed of the priest, as the priest have been pretty naughty lately

The priest has been feeling the nuns bottoms and he is making it looks like an accident, at some point I saw him deliberately making a scene as an accident by bumping into a couple of nuns while he placed his hands close to his chest facing outward.

Through the task and months worth of misfit in the orphanage, I gathered about 2500 D-pts, its a lot of misconduct if I say so myself, but still I'm proud that I was able to gather this much, even though DK system has been very frugal in giving d-pts.

Then one morning, after waking up an hour ahead ahead amongst the children, an unexpected notification appeared


{ Good morning! O future demon king }

{ Luck is one of the traits of a best demon king }

{ You have been given a chance }

{ 500 DP - 11 Draw - Random Roulette 90% sale }

{ Would you like to try your luck? }

{ Yes / No }


Yes !! spin that roulette !!! (Saying it through my mind, very excitedly )

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

Luke: Damn it 4 marble in a row!!! C'mon give me something good

{ you have received "Iron skill draw (x1)" }

{ you have received "Iron skill draw (x1)" }

Luke: skill!! Damn nice but an iron type skill, I wonder if that is a classification or something else…

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

Luke: Oh meh gawd, marble again!! (Currently losing hope)

{ you have received "Diamond skill draw (x1)" }

Luke: Damn system, you didn't let me down, I love you so much, I can kiss you!!!

{ you have received "Marble (x1)" ammo }

Luke: It doesn't matter now, I got a freaking diamond yo!!!

{ you have received "Copper skill draw (x1)" }

Luke: Hahahahahaha!!!

Luke: I'm so happy and I could sing…

Look at me now, look at me now, oh

I'm getting paper

Look at me now, oh

Look at me now, yeah

Fresher than a m0th3rf#ck€r

(Part of lyrics from Chris Brown)


Demon Pts: 2500 ➠ 2000


Luke: I can't wait, c'mon system, show me the money!

{ Opening 2 IRON, 1 COPPER, 1 DIAMOND skill draw }

{ You have received Iron skill "Focus" }

⇢ Doubles "Power".

{ You have received Iron skill "Rakukaja" }

⇢ Raises party's Physique.

{ You have received Copper skill "Dekunda" }

⇢ Negates de-buff effects on the party.

{ You have received Diamond skill "Summon" }

⇢ Summon a familiar


{ Body stats }

Name: Luke Stein

Age: 2 y/o

D-Spirit: 0.0001%

Power: .01 ⇢ .04

Physique: .10 ⇢ .25

Magic: .001 ⇢ .01

Demon Pts: 2500 ➠ 2000

{ Active Skill }

- Focus: ⇢ Doubles "Power".

- Rakukaja ⇢ Raises party's Physique.

- Dekunda ⇢ Negates de-buff effects on the party.

- Summon ⇢ Summon a familiar


My body stats have grown over the 2 years, it wasn't much hut for 2 years the difference in each stat is pretty big specially magic.

If summoning pretty dependent on my attributes I need to upgrade them asap and to do that, I already have what I needed

D-pts: 2000

If my assumption is right and power defines my overall strength and Physique is my body capabilities

I know how to distribute my D-pts.

Luke: System put 500 pts to Power and 1500 pts to Physique!!

As I look at my body stats, I saw my D-pts depletes rapidly and at the same time both power stats and physique stats started increasing

Power: .04 ⇢ .09

Physique: .25 ⇢ .4

Damn per 100 pts only increases my power and physique by only .01, I really thought that my stats will sky rocket but looks like its all my delusion

No matter, as I gather more points in the future, I'll make sure to make my body invincible. Lets just try this summoning for now

Sneaking outside to the courtyard, since summoning a creature could be disruptive and I wouldn't want to destroy my only bed in the process

As I arrived at the courtyard behaving anxiously while looking at my left and right and saw no one in sight I proceeded into mg business

I stretched out my right hand trying to look cool and said the word "Summon" with authority

The sky above me started to darken and thunderstorm started to form, and a a red glowing diagram formed on the paved ground, the diagram looks familiar as it encompasses of 9 small circles with lines that connects each other and the middle picture looks like a goat head smiling

The diagram started to float toward the sky and a rock spire spouted from under the ground

Little by little the rock spire started to form a creature and a gust of wind started to drop down to the spire and soon after the wind disperses, what welcomed me is a little girl with lime colored hair, pearly white skin and amber eyes. ( she looks so adorable )

The little girl walks toward me and says master, I'm here to serve!

Luke: Uhm what is your name?

Aries: My name is Aries my lord

Luke: that name suites you best, I wouldn't want to change it.

Aries thanked her master so much as it was given to her by her parents, the details wasn't told to Luke at this time, she just blushed red and said thank you in a whispered voice

Is anyone there!?

A sudden voice was heard by the by Luke and his familiar

Luke didn't know what to do and how to explain a girl suddenly appearing inside their courtyard but the worry was for naught as Aries started to disappear and said " just call me when you need me master, for the time being I'll rest in your soul space".

Oh it was only you Luke, come inside quick rain started to pour down

Luke: So it was the headmistress the one who spoke a while back