
(Oliver's Pov)

My wife and I decided to go on her parents side living in the village.

We were traveling days now and have arrived at her parents village.

By the time we got there I am accepted by her parents lovingly. Her father was a farmer and her mother's work was taking care of him, and the house.

I noticed too that monsters were nearby, a hundreds of meters away from here. I decided to quickly put some defensive around the house and told her parents about it.

After that I decided to go get some Quests. When I arrived at the Guild it was always the same, packing with adventurers grabbing quests. While here I am living peacefully doing only some low rank quests.

I've been tasked to deliver parchment with a seal to the capital. It takes 6 days to get there if i don't rest. They intrusted me with these tasks because of my record at being reliably fast. I decided to accept and goes out.

I met some characters like the goblin slayer who's now a Ranked Ruby and going to quests board, the spearman talking to the Guild Girl, and the Heavy Warrior.

I greeted them before going out as they were popular.

I've arrived at the town at night and greeted my wife's parents. I go to my wife's room and she's there taking care of my son who's already walking.

She look at me before running to kiss me. After that I tell her that I'll be gone in dawn as I've got important quests to do.

She only said "Okay, me and your son will be waiting for you to come back" smiling at me.

After dawn and preparing to go on journey. I've noticed that some monsters away from here were changing though it is weak as I decided to ignore them. I've already told the guild that there were monsters nearby here so they should arrive in this village at noon.

I'm traveling in 3 days now and I've encountered some monsters along the way though I defeated them by taking my time. I estimated that if there are more monsters along the way, it'll take 7 days to reach.

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(Narrators Pov)

In the western border theres a man wearing cloak in a forest away from a town. He walks leisurely as he sense some monsters and going after it.

By the time he got there the monsters didn't notice him and took a moment before they noticed him. He only spoke some words that is related to the monsters language before they roared in unison.

This happen at the same time in different places. Monsters getting wild killing everything they see in their path.

After the man cloaked do that he disappeared.

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(Oliver's Pov)

I've arrived at the capital in 7 days and half. It didn't hit me that monsters are getting aggressive for the past days that it'll take time to avoid them.

I go to the Capital's Guild and talk to some important characters before dismissing me and tell me to report my quests completion to the quest giver.

I guess my quest was important but it didn't matter to me. So after that done, I began to travel home immediately.

Encountering monsters on the road I avoided them easily. When I'm outside the capital and I've noticed some villages getting attack.

I decided to go and see the situation and seeing it was chaos. Some wolves eating some flesh and goblins raping women.

Although it'll take my time, I help them by killing them silently and it takes me 30 mins to Finnish it. 46 Goblins was what I've killed and some wolves.

I began to evacuate the people who's left and rest in a safe place away from here. Hour's later the adventurer's arrived and I've began to travel fast.

Even though it's faint, my feelings were bad at the moment I see monsters ravaging villages.

A long distance away from the previous village are being attacked too and I help them, killing monsters. After that I've rescued some people and sensing that the place was already safe I've began to travel again.

It didn't take me 1 day as I see villages getting attack and I began to use my Void Eyes that I was right. Monsters were changing as though someone tempt them or enraged them.

I've arrived to my town and pretty much busy and running at full speed that I've noticed villages getting attacked and ignored it. I reach where my wife staying at.

By the looks of it the attack already happen by what it seems 5 days ago. No one noticed this village as the adventurer's were busy. Some adventurers that is protecting this village died too, with slash on their necks.

I've arrived at my wife's house and although I could sense some bodies thousands of kilometres from here I didn't believed it.

Outside the house were my wife's parents killed. I walk inside the house ignoring the corpses of my wife's parents.

Opening the door, many things were out of place and broken. Lastly in our room was my wife Holding a Knife from her neck with our child dead.

I knell in front of them as tear, drop in my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I speak as I removed my blindfold. Everything was slowed down to nanosecond, slower than before. It continues to strengthen as I began to surpressed it.

What I didn't expect was it only stopped when time itself is in picosecond.

I've noticed my body changes as it is suppressed too but what I want to know was answered. A people hundred thousands km away from here were celebrating. Monsters were killed a distanced away from here.

Moments later I regain control of my Eyes. as I mumbled "So they took advantage of this when monsters were attacking."

After that I've closed my Eyes and sigh. Putting my blindfold back were pretty much supressed half of it.

Carrying my wife and son I burried them. Thanking for being loyal after death, and being a loving wife. Burying her parents beside her grave.

*Sigh* After mourning for hours I stand up as I look at the direction where of bandits location, smiling faintly.