
It was an afternoon as Arthur who was at the bottom of the cliff was lying on the ground begins to wake up from the fall.

'Where am I? How... am I still alive?' was what Arthur thought when he wakes up confused at this situation.

He was looking to the Right that some berries and a pouch of water were lying there. Looking to the Left he saw a mangled body that Arthur attack dragging the bandit down with him.

He was dizzy as he pukes seeing the body and after that, he was beginning to get unconscious of it, sleeping.

Waking up again, Arthur immediately grabs the berries as he was hungry and grabs the Water Pouch to drink.

'Thanks for the Meal' as he began to lose consciousness to sleep again.




Arthur wake's up as he tries to stand though his body was not responding as it was shaking. He gives up and focuses on using Mana to support his body.

He got up looking left and right to know where he is first and concluded that he was in a forest that seemed no Beasts or Mana Beasts. He looks at the corpse again when he begins to walk away as he goes at it to pull off the knife.

'Damn, I survived that? How long has it been? and.. where am I? Arthur thought as he goes to the bushes to check and grasses.

'It doesn't matter, I have to move on' Arthur thought as he begins to walk away from the place where he falls.

Not after a second when Arthur's mind was clear he heard a voice speak.

"Oh.. you're awake."

Arthur was startled as he hides behind a tree and looks at the corpse thinking that it may be talking to him. He goes at it with a stick to poke at it.

"Don't worry that corpse will not reanimate unless unexpected happens."

The voice answered as it read Arthur's mind. Arthur contemplates for a moment and points his knife at the bush.

"Who are you? Are you the one who saved me?"

No one got out of the bush as the voice answer him again.

"Yes, to your second question. As for your first question, you'll have to find out once you arrive at my dwelling."

"You sound pretty confident that I will find you?."

"Well... I am the only one who can get you out of this place and send you Home."

Arthur thinks for a moment as images of Alice, Reynold, Oliver appeared in his mind along with his incoming baby sibling.

'They did reach Xyrus city safely? Are they safe?' Arthur thought.

"Ehem... Mister voice, may I know where your location is so that I can see your presence."

"Although, It is a bit rude to refer a Lady as Mister. But your sentiment is there so, Yes..."

'How did she know my--' Arthur thought as he feels dizzy when the voice answered giving him the location of where she's staying at.

After that, the voice advised him to depart quickly when the light is still out as it will be a lot safer.

Hearing that, Arthur began to travel at the location.

- - -

After Arthur's falling in weeks they arrived at Xyrus City. Alice, Renolds and Oliver were eating at the table. It happened quickly as they lived in the house that Reynolds friend hired him as a Captain of a what it seems Auction House.

Every time they were always like this since that incident happened. A silent atmosphere was making Oliver bored as he was sometimes late to ate just to deepen the training.

Oliver also decided that to make his training faster, he will go to the Beast Glades today whether his parents liked it or not. So after that night, he packs his needs in his bags like food though he didn't worry about that since there will be food in the area he will be going to.

He stands up, getting the attention of Alice and Reynolds who was done eating.

"Father, Mother I've got something to say." Oliver said.

"Hmm, what is it Oli? You want to eat again?" Alice said looking at Oliver.

"If it is important, tell us, son." Reynold said afterwards.

Taking a deep breath Oliver said, "I'll depart today to train up my regime."

Reynolds and Alice were shocked at this. Alice was silent as tears falling in her eyes. Reynolds though rebutted at Oliver if this is a joke.

"It's not Father, I'm all ready to go and now am just saying goodbye." Oliver said as he looked down to hide his painful expression.

"Why? and if we stop you will you listen?" Alice said as she rushed to hug Oliver.

"No, I decided to do it so I can protect what I deemed needed to." Oliver said as he breaks the hug while he lifted his Blindfold and looked at Alice, Reynolds Eyes.

Looking at Oliver's Silver Eyes, Alice and Reynolds we're concerned if this is the reason Oliver decided to.

After that Oliver puts on his Blindfold again and goes to his room, grabbing the bag that consists of what he needed.

"Son, isn't this to rush? Let's decide this after our situation are okay" Reynolds asked stopping Oliver from going outside. Alice was crying loudly while she hugged Oliver tightly.

"Oli, if this is about Art. It's okay were.." Alice was cut off as Oliver said...

"It's not about that don't worry Mother, Father. I have something to do and I decided on my own too. I hate to do this but It is important."

"O-Okay, Tell us where you're going?" Alice calmed down as Oliver was always honest with his feelings.

"It is a safe place where I'm going so you don't have to worry Mother and Father." Oliver speaker in a confident and innocent tone fooling Alice and Reynolds immediately.

"You don't have to worry much about this Mother, you have a baby so don't stress yourself in this situation. I will not spoil you but there will be a surprise haha." Oliver said in a cheerful and excited tone changing the atmosphere. Alice and Reynolds who was not aware of it were curious at this surprise as they smiled at Oliver's excitement.

"Okay be careful my son and don't exhaust yourself while your training." Reynolds said while he hugged Oliver with Alice at it.

"Even so, just come back and visit us every half a month or month." Alice said while she lets go of Oliver. Oliver who heard Alice's request he nods and walks to the door.

Seeing Oliver gone, Alice hugged Reynolds shedding tears. Reynolds comforted Alice soothing her back to calm her.

Outside Oliver begins to run going to the location as he lifted his blindfold to wipes his tears and smiled mumbling "Don't worry Mother and Father, how can I die easily?"