Social life and School... wait what Chp 8

...Charles Xavier


With that out of the way, I tried to see if maybe he sent the memory to another location in his mind, but I didn't find anything related to their meeting only that Charles asked for funding for his school, then after some blurring moments, after he said that there is a time skip, a f#cking time skip like a movie, what the actual f#ck did Charles do to Hank. After a few more minutes of watching, I noticed something.

After his meeting with Charles, he began to be more distant and cold with his daughter Hope Pym or Van Dyne after they got into an argument when he told her she would have died instead of Janet.


I knew Charles was someone who used the greater good excuse. But seriously, he is a better telepath than me with his experience and mental power he could have gotten the formula easier than me. He wanted something else from Hank Pym. The question is what did he want with him.

Then I had a thought what if he wanted to use Hank to help mutants have a stable place in the world. Then I realized Hank worked at Shield before and turns out I was right. His opinion of mutants was not a good one, since one of them almost r#ped Janet but he managed to save her during their time as Ant-man and Wasp. But what Charles did made him have a mixed opinion as soon he just started caring more for his company and just stopped bothering about them at all.

I was going to try and fix his mind but then I thought, why should I care the mutants are no problem of mine. Then I remembered, the Sentinels the weaker versions of Amazo while they wouldn't normally be a concern for me I realized that they once got out of control and began turning the planet to s#it. If they somehow manage to replicate even 1% of my abilities this world is f#cked.

I need a break...


I was adjusting my backpack over my shoulder as I walked into Midtown High School. Now, this wasn't my idea but the Ancient One was convinced that I needed friends but I gave in since I never graduated from high school in my previous life, and in all honesty, I wanted to go and experience it myself. I know that there is a good chance that I will probably meet Peter Parker and others like Harry Osborn or Gwen Stacy.

In all honesty, I missed talking to people. I have been so focused on getting stronger that I almost forgot to have some fun every now and again. The thing is the video games I am used to, don't exist yet.

So I am quite bored aside from training in my powers and studying back at the fortress and the Ancient One hasn't taught me anything yet.

I also tried the speed force equation many times until I got tired of repeating it. So, no Kryptonian speedster which quite frankly sucks but if one of my plans goes forth I may be able to create an artificial speed force as they did in the Flash tv show. But, that's for later.

I stepped into the building without using X-ray vision to see the new environment for myself I am quite enjoying being at school even if a part of me denies it. I even have the jitters of being in a new school maybe this won't be so bad.

I was given my schedule and it looked simple enough as some were AP classes but they really wouldn't annoy me with my speed. Thankfully I thought of buying a printer and some other things for schoolwork.

The events from Iron man happened as they did in the movie although on a bigger scale. Tony fought Stane and from what I saw they destroyed around 4 blocks worth of damage. The Iron man armor was much more advanced than it showed in the movies and Iron Monger was surprisingly fast for being so big.

Anyway, aside from that there have been no more reports of Doomsday. But I am still on guard as he might be somewhere on the planet. I have informed the Ancient One of him and she agreed that he is too dangerous from the description I gave her of him and his abilities she seemed shocked that there is someone that old. She asked how I knew.

The knowledge that came with the fortress told me that they managed to banish him from the universe and he somehow has found a way back I told her that even keeping him in a timeless dimension would not be enough and that he would break himself out of there.

I told her the only possible way for him to be truly destroyed was to send him to the end of everything. It was a lot of bullsh#t but it was the best I could think of to convince her to help me out.

She agreed to it since she saw the damage that he would bring with the time stone even destroying one of the sanctums. So with that in agreement, she told me to go to a school and she specifically helped me enroll in it.

Boredom you may ask...

The stupid formula for Pym Particles. After, reading through the notes Hank made there was also instructions to make a machine to gather the particles and the chemical formula needed to store and use them properly. Now the chemicals were easy to find and purchase, the problem was the gathering part, yes gathering.

The Pym Particles work by shunting matter into the Kosmos Dimension when shrinking something or accruing extra matter from that dimension when enlarging them, it adds matter. Doesn't that sound familiar and repeated exposure may even lead to someone beginning to make their own Pym Particles which is both right and wrong. They were magic I asked the Ancient One about it. She confirmed that Hank had been using a very crude form of magic using science in the 1980s.

Think of the fantastic four 1 of the obtained a connection to a dimension which lets him catch on fire, Johnny Storm. The repeated exposure to the particles has the chance of giving you a connection to this dimension.

Now, back to the issue, it takes Hank a week for his machine to gather enough particles to fill up 20 vials of it at best. The thing is, the machine has to be unbothered from anything otherwise everything that was gathered will be lost.

I made the machine from the resources in the fortress but I made it big enough to give me the equivalent of ten gallons worth of Pym Particles. Although, I could make a smaller machine the fortress was barely able to make it. The entire machine was the size of a living room it used up most of my resources gathered from the space mines. Hank is an unappreciated genius.

It will take the machine around 3 and a half months to finish according to my calculations. While waiting for it I thought of relaxing in school to get a sense of normality back and It's true I need to relax.


I arrived at my first class. It was AP History I saw no one I recognized from the comics except one called Liz Allen. From what I remember from the comics was that she married Harry Osborn and had a son with him. She looks attractive if nothing else, she looks like she will be very beautiful. But her personality is terrible, she took one look at me and sneer in disgust.

I will like to point out that I am trying to set up a nerdy-type persona, that includes things like clothing and glasses although the glasses are more so that I don't kill anyone by accident I if get angry.

I was standing next to the teacher's desk and handed him my schedule he asked me to introduce myself to the class

"Hi, everyone my name is Aiden Kent," I said. I mean I already stole his backstory why not his name too. (N/A: The earth name will be that If anyone has a problem with it as TFS Porunga said otherwise, bite me)

"I really like science and hope to be a scientist someday," I was really laying it thick there but I wanted to do something like this for fun.

Afterward, I sat next to someone I didn't really care to memorize his name. But I acted nervous, not that I wasn't, it's those first-day jitters. The class was over as soon as it began.

My next class was AP English. There I saw certain someone talking to a light blond girl who would be a looker when she grew. Then I saw Peter Parker, he looked like a much more handsome Tom Holland combined with Andrew Garfield.

In corner of my eye, I saw the most beautiful girl I had seen, she had had luscious red hair and stunning green eyes and a figure that would make supermodels sell their very existence and I didn't even have to use X-ray vision to see it under her extremely baggy clothes.

I was giving out my introduction like the one I used in my first class as the teacher had not arrived yet. When I felt something hit my mental defenses and I turned to look at the culprit, Jean Grey she looked shocked that she couldn't read my mind.

A few moments later another beautiful redhead appeared that looked like she is Jean's older sister she had a figure that surpassed Jean's and then announced that the professor for the class had earned an exclusive trip to Hawaii with all expenses paid for 3 years and she was going to be the English teacher for the year as the next class and then introduce herself as Natalie Rushman.

My brain was in total panic mode. I recognized that name

Natalie Rushman...

Natasha Romanova... The Black Widow
