Not A Mutant, Piss Off Charlie Chp 10

Magneto just kept hitting me with metal objects. I know what he was doing he was going to break them on me then wrap the pieces around me. A few moments later I was proved correct I easily broke out of my bindings and flew towards him.

I was about to punch him when I sensed the same person from before trying to enter my mind, I just pushed him out. Before I was in distance to punch him I used my heat vision on him, then he went flying again I was about to kill him when a voice yelled my name and I saw Jean on the ground holding her head.

I turned to the shout on the other side of the street and saw a bald man in a wheelchair alongside him was Logan since his entire skeleton was covered in metal and the three claws on each of his hands, right next to him was an attractive dark-skinned woman with long white hair and her eyes appear to be glowing she was incredibly attractive all things considered but the scowl on her face made her look fierce.

"No," I said I was going to kill Magneto by piercing his chest with my hand the same as how Joker died in injustice.

Logan leaped at me I just held him in the air with my telekinesis when he reached my max range. I have to improve it later on. I grabbed Magneto by the throat and just as I was about to kill him, I heard a distinct portal open up, the Ancient One had arrived.

"Stop, do not kill him he will be needed," She said.

I sighed, I know this going to bite me in the ass later. I dropped him into the ground and ignored his very existence, and went to check up on Jean. Charles and the rest started approaching me, I could sense a bit of fear coming from Charles as he looked at Jean.

I reached her and started to go into her mind carefully to see everything in her mind ravaged, nothing was spared. I knew Charles had done this he basically ripped out every secret she had in her life, even when she walked in on her parents making love by accident.

This was bad as a mindscape was built automatically by someone going through their life an average person on earth that lives a normal life would typically have something like a library where they could essentially pick up books and read them, essentially the remembering aspect of a mind. Jean had lockers keeping her secrets or book stands organizing her own mind.

Thankfully, her mind would heal on its own since I could see the locks going back to their place but very slowly and she would be extremely vulnerable to any mental attack.

I am going to guess that this is how Charles helps his students and makes them go to his school. I noticed Jean's mental projection on the ground a bit further away. She was a mess she was crying in pain I could see that her mental body had multiple broken bones and wounds that were slowly bruising.

This made me really glad that I was given mental attacks immunity from my wish. I began to sense someone else in here, Charles. I started going to where he was then I saw him going through Jean's memories and changing some of them, I was pissed off at him. I jumped at him and pretty much punched him out of her mindscape. I began to share what I saw with Jean about what he was doing, through the power of mental bullsh#t.

It seriously is but ill explain later. I was out of her mindscape but still connected enough to let her know what I was doing and who attack her. I was putting a sort of metal shield while I am not strong enough to keep Charles out of her mind yet I could shield her with my powers.

This was a good opportunity to see If I could somehow share my own mental shield with others, I couldn't but she could attempt to replicate it this needs further study.

I grabbed a few pieces of metal and molded them after Magneto's helmet to help protect her mind while it did lower the resistance of the shield after I put it on, I was using to protect her mind the warning aspect that would inform me was intact.

I know Magneto uses any metal around him down to the molecular level to enhance the strength of the metal which in my personal scientific opinion was total bs. I turned back to glare at Charles who was rubbing his head from the pain I gave him. I grabbed Jean in a bridal style carry and was about to leave when...

"Wait, you have to let me help her control her powers," Charles said.

"You have caused enough damage to her mind when you beat her in her mind to prevent you from basically mind r#ping her, you looked through all her memories instead of just a few hours. Then you began to change some of her happy memories turning them into bad ones," I said saying my part I looked at the Ancient One and she nodded opening a portal to Kamar-Taj we began walking toward it. Then, I began hearing Logan and Storm giving Charles a piece of their mind.

I smiled at that.


It was very clean I could see no dust particles in the air at all.

"Don't worry about Jean being hurt here by Charles he is going to be unable to go past the protections here," the Ancient One said

"Ok, so I saw a fire chicken in her mind any idea what that is," I said lying about seeing the phoenix force to try and find out more in-depth information on the cosmic entities in marvel. I knew about them in the comics but this was a real-world with many of them.

She looked confused than a look of understanding passed by her face.

"That was probably a glimmer of the Pheonix, and its time to begin your training but remember I will at times be very busy, and studying magic involves a lot of self-study," She said

I nodded as I knew this wouldn't be easy

I look down at Jean in my arms with her head on my chest as the Ancient One went to speak with a sorcerer who blew his room up.