Finally I can rest and think Chp 16

"Well, I have no idea how to manage this," I said to both Emma and Erik

"You are the only one who has someplace safe-e" Emma responded her voice cracking in the end. The Ancient One reversed her body to the time before Charles got to her.

"I agree you are the only one who is equipped with the technology and resources to take care of the ones afflicted," Said Erik

They were trying to convince me to let anyone that was affected by the a-hole, stay in the fortress.

"Listen I have enough enemies that would make you cry like a baby," I told them as seriously as I could I also did some weird experiment that usually leads to them exploding in my face.

"You don't need to take care of them forever as I feel responsible for not paying Charles as much attention as I should have, once they have begun to heal physically you can deliver them to Island M where they shall be allowed to rest from this experience," Erik said sadly

"You will use them to attack humanity at the first chance you get," Said Emma

We both knew she was just pulling at straws here. We learned that Charles made him hate all of humanity.

"I will take care of them they will be healed and sent to Island M, I will also communicate with their families as well to tell them what happened and if necessary restore their memories as best I can," I told them leaving no room for discussion. Erik nodded, told me the coordinates, and went to make space to accommodate the victims.

Emma stayed behind looking at me. I stood up to begin looking for their families. Emma stopped and kissed me on the cheek. I was surprised and took a moment to process but she pulled back and winked at me. I could see the pain in her eyes at what she saw herself go through.


I had just finished moving the last Meta-Humans out of the fortress I had opened a portal to send them to the island. Raven was still in the fortress, we had to keep her sedated as she has been waking up screaming and attacking anyone who tried to get close to her except Erik and me.

Logan has just been going to bars in New York. Hank/Beast was comatose as we found him in the infirmary with severe mental damage. Ororo was forcing herself to keep going and she has an appointment with a Meta-Human that works as a therapist in a few days. She has managed to pull herself through what happened. Erik was thinking of how to re-introduce himself into their lives.

I was having theories of how and what happened with Charles. My first theory is that since this is a real-world there are no writers or anyone to hold back their dark desires or something like that it is just to lose, which brings me over to my second theory is that I am in a...

...Dark Multiverse

Now hear me out, they are created when someone has a fear of something about themselves correct what if I am in one where Charles feared what he could do to someone or other with his power, and it kind of makes sense.

Since after I killed Charles I could feel a weight leave that I didn't know I had. I asked others even random people in the street and they felt the same granted, I just asked them if the weight left them at the same date and time. So, the Dark Universe must have been spared.

I even saw a new's report of the strange phenomenon. Also, I killed Charles painfully, I took an idea from Darkseid, the agony matrix, and as he puts it direct neural stimulation of pain receptors. It stimulates every pain receptor in your body Imagine someone putting electrifying you, but there is no actual damage done to the body it doesn't hurt them it just puts super aware of everything. This is just what I did physically, mentally on the other hand I shredded his mind so much and so fast his brain liquified itself from too much happening to it, and so he died.

I also turned his body to ashes for good measure and his soul was used to empower a cleaning spell in the restrooms of Kamar-taj.

I was back in the fortress it was much bigger now but it was for the victims to move around and recover. I also made a smaller Pym Particle collector I have 2 finger-sized vials in my hand one is red the other is blue. The red one shrinks and the other enlarges things. I tested two others and again Hank Pym is a genius when it enlarges something it adds molecules from the surrounding area to make the object even bigger depending on the amount used. I couldn't yet experiment on myself as I was making and designing a new suit to be capable of using the particles.

Now I am going to be going after Klaue for his Vibranium. I am just going to take three canisters worth from what I saw in the movie. The rest I will give to Wakanda as a peace offering along with Klaue after I removed his arms and legs to neutralize him. I don't have that much Vibranium what I need to find out is how I am going to get my hands on Adamantium and then melt it. I could make a solar forge since I also need to get some Uru.

My enchantments have improved a lot since I bound the Phantom Zone to me. I made and used a 100% solid gold sword and it lasted through cutting through 10 tons of titanium before it broke completely. I could also now channel dimensional energy through items with my own dimension. Which I came up with my best enchantment yet.

Since the Zone is essentially an immaterial dimension is that I can not only cut through the physical body but also their souls themselves. I am trying to improve it to also steal their souls and convert them into energy to increase the power of the weapon I make.

I have also tried to replicate the enchantment that Mjolnir has and allow Thor to call it to him anywhere in the universe. But it is still a work in progress since when I call it, it comes to my hand blade first. I even once put it in a pommel.

My next plan was to get to Nidavellir by using a magic portal. I wanted to learn how to smith properly and get access to Uru metal. I also wanted to prevent Thanos from getting his gauntlet made by them. I remembered the forge that Thor was in when he made Stormbreaker hopefully it is the same.

(N/A: I am going to go one way if you guys want me to include the dark multiverse I will if you don't. I am going to go with the first theory that the MC made and just continue with marvel please leave a review and tell me what you think.