I was above the clouds near the fortress getting more sunlight into me in a black skinsuit with no cape, happy about my new relationship with Jean although it went fast. Too fast.
We gave it some more thought and decided we will go on from there. I told her to give it some thought since I noticed her eyes flashing another color that resembled the Pheonix Force colors.
But she really wants to give it a try.
And now we didn't make love we just made out, a lot. I have no prior experience with any of this but I am giving it a try.
Man, I had to pay more attention to her now that she nearly fried Felicia's brain for flirting with me. I did in fact know of her masturbating in one of the school's restrooms which in all honesty was weird as all hell but I moved on, sort of. I mean she is currently trying to get into a relationship with some guy named Ryan but I did not want to know further as I figured out he saved her from being raped.
I don't know everything about Marvel so I am keeping my eyes out just in case.
(I am becoming more like Batman) I thought to myself
I have a right though at least until I developed minimum reality warping. By that, I mean being able to not just warp reality on small scale but being able to resist being warped myself.
Something that scared me though was that someone also uses magic. I would take someone like Red Skull to know magic but someone even more dangerous than him knows magic.
F#ck my life. I was curious about him since he was going to show up sooner or later so I asked The Ancient One and she seemed shocked about it since that last time she saw that far into the future he had nothing magical on his side just technology. When she checked again she saw him using magic very basic magic but she stopped as he...
...saw her
He saw her through the time stone or at least she thinks he did. He may have noticed the temporal energy or just the basic energy from an infinity stone.
She also saw him with the mind stone. Which would explain if he really noticed the energy. She told me that she would not use the time stone again as everything is influx after 5 hours. This means she can only see 5 hours into the future. She was no able to see anything past that for some reason but I knew she suspected that it was my arrival that changed things so much.
I told Jean just how dangerous Thanos really is. She was scared of him and concerned for me since she knew I would fight him in the future. She made me promise to help her get stronger to help. Which I am beginning to regret as even though she can't actually harm me she can definitely hold me back for a while.
I began to think of the Pheonix Force and the idea she gave me I could absorb it and then rip its consciousness or at least make it docile enough so that Jean can use it for herself. I could get the Mind stone when Loki arrives and enhance its power with the Time stone and possibly the Space stone.
I was going to absorb as much of the Mind stone as I could and before I touch the Space stone I would go around in space absorbing different forms of solar energy. I wanted the power to teleport like He'l does in the comics. The Space stone may even allow me to teleport anywhere but it may even enhance my own abilities perhaps it would be possible to go to another universe. Maybe not another multiverse just yet but it is a start.
I looked at the sun for some time if I was still human my eyes would have been damaged by how long I stared at it. I began to slowly leave the planet and accelerated as much as I could. I told Jean I wouldn't be back until at least 25 hours have passed.
I was going in for my first sun dip. In 15 minutes Superman became capable of moving entire planets effortlessly. Now imagine just for an hour and then about 24 hours. That is just on a yellow sun. What about a blue one or an O-type star, a blue-white one. I am hoping to get other abilities from the blue one. The nearest one is the B-type Regulus 78 lightyears away.
I am going to steal it or rather take it for myself. I am going to put it in my personal dimension. I am hoping to see if I can just absorb it from there having a blue star for my body to use it for energy.
I began going over to the sun faster than ever as I cut loose for the first time on my speed. The fortress would release a signal that only I would detect after 25 hours, hopefully. I had Logan test it to see if he could I even used a blue whale to see if it detected it. It didn't even react to it.
I had just passed Mercury. I watched the huge size of the sun. I could feel it empowering me more than ever. I was using my limited control over my adaptation to make my cells capacity to store and metabolize the energy better. I could feel my core expanding I also began to send in more energy from my core over to my personal dimension. It was refilling even faster than ever so I just sent 99% of the energy in my core to the Zone every few seconds. It was refilling faster than before.
I decided to finally go slowly into the sun to let my adaptation make me able to handle it.
In a few moments, I was touching the surface of it with my hands. But it was weird in a good way. I had my eyes close just in case but I could see through my eyelids. Without another thought, I went in and felt a huge pressure on my body as if it was trying to squish me. But very slowly I began being able to move again as my adaptation made my body capable of this. I also made sure to not let my adaptation make me look weird or grow bones out of my body.
I went closer and closer over to the core. When I reached it I could feel it. An even more immense pressure tried to squish me. But again slowly I move closer and closer to it. When I reached I felt as if I was in heaven. It felt amazing like nothing could stop me. It felt as if everything I had done was just to reach this step.
My first step to becoming something else...
Something more...