Rings Assembled Part 2 Chp 41

(I was so dumb asking for a world like that) I was berating myself for asking for a world this dangerous. The only possible reason that they are waiting for so long is that they must be scheming to somehow kill me, control me or take my power for their own when I remembered that some gods can use people as avatars.

I shake my head and continued onwards to Latveria

I began to look around everywhere hoping to spot a temple that resembled the other ones.

I found it in a forest near the main city of Latveria.

(F#ck my life) I thought (Hopefully I don't have to confront Doom)

I was going to go in when I noticed that the doors were closed and it looked like no one was there I could see the guardian it looked like a humanoid jackal in front of it was a stone pedestal with the ring on it.


(N/A image for the guardian I don't own the image)

I got close to it while keeping an eye out for the guardian. I grabbed the ring and the jackal sprang to life swiping at me with speed and strength that would have torn a human in half it was probably made to be strong enough to fight the Mandarin with eight rings since they apparently go in order.

However, I wasn't going in order. I dodged another swipe easily as I summoned my Mandarin armor and it made it pause for a moment before it launched itself at me. I dodged again as a crater formed around where he hit. I quickly put on the black ring and destroyed the scanner inside and made some binding from crimson energy.

(Huh, didn't think it would work like that I am going to study it later.) I thought to myself as the Jackal struggled with the bindings.

Soon it stopped struggling and began whimpering and I could barely hear footsteps coming my way. I heard the sound of a blast as I grabbed the Jackal and moved out of the way and the blast destroyed part of the temple. I looked at the one who fired and noticed it was Doctor Doom. He looked liked he did in armored adventures but he sounded a bit young when I remembered that he hasn't met Reed and the others.

(I really am too soon) I thought to myself

"Who are you to and what is this place," He sounded so arrogant yet somehow regal if that makes sense and he was speaking another language.

"I came here to get what belongs to me," I didn't know if Doom knew who I was as I put on the armor to more or less fight the guardian.

"You stand in my home country of Latveria and try to claim that this temple and its secrets belong to you," He spoke in English and he sounded pissed off

I noticed that this Doom is very inexperienced compared to the one in the comics. He must have barely started. I could see past his face mask and he has no scar. On his feet were the reason why I could barely hear him. On his feet, I could tell that his boots turn sound into energy for his suit.

He launched a green beam of energy towards me that moved like a snail compared to me. I quickly moved out of the way and began to look at his armor which definitely wasn't the one in the comics as his armor looked way too nice and if the tech wasn't more of a giveaway that this was probably his attempt to copy Iron man's armor his own way. I could see him inside his armor clearly which meant it wasn't the one from the comics.

This Doom may not be strong or knowledgeable enough yet as I could even read his mind and I was amazed that he taught himself magic and his knowledge was expanded by some monks who helped him with it.

I do not recognize any of the dimensional energy coming from him. But, I could tell that it was as I knew someone with enough talent for the mystic arts could learn how to tap into them on their own. I was wondering if I should kill him now as the sheer potential that he had was incredible as with my magic sense which I need more practice with could sense that he enchanted his own armor.

(If it was Uru his armor could have possibly withstood a hit from me) I thought amazed as I noticed that his enchantments while not particularly strong or impressive the amount he had was ridiculous. He has dozens for increasing the durability of his armor and even his strength and speed.

Granted I am much faster and stronger than him. I was pretty much going around him in circles. I speed up though to make sure he didn't have anything that would allow him to keep up with me.

You can never be too paranoid when it comes to Doom. I was marveling at his accomplishments. Some memories I saw that scared me were that he had no actual talent for magic he learned it through hard work and determination as he didn't inherit his mother's talent for magic.

No, wonder he believes himself superior to everyone else even if he is arrogant to an absurd degree he worked hard for everything that he has, and that is coupled with his own shining intelligence. This is probably why he hates Reed so much when he meets him. Reed essentially had everything handed to him, money and access to better education. While there is no doubt that Reed is intelligent he never really had to work hard for anything as he understood everything easier which explains his habit of working on multiple projects at once and more or less cares little for others who work hard to improve themselves at least my Reed is like that.

(Sh#t, I hope he doesn't become the Maker in this universe) I thought to myself

Victor Von Doom was raised by gypsies while his mother got sent to hell and his father died in the cold while when he was young. This explains why he has respect for those that are not only smart but also work hard to improve themselves.

Victor while intelligent in his own right he has had to go through a lot to get where he is now and the people that serve him in his country are prospering heck from what I saw that is why he doesn't want to put his citizens in danger and actually fights for them, he is even working on robots to replace his military and his Doombots. He is implementing some laws that benefit those with powers and those without.

I had a question what should I do should I kill him or what?

(N/A Sorry for the wait.)