Rings Assembled Part Final Chp 43

I was glad that I sort of got him on my side although I could sense a lot of confusion coming from him.

I looked at the whimpering Jackal and although it couldn't speak it had very low telepathy powers that may be enough to communicate. I wasn't around for that I send out a message to see if he got it when he nodded I opened a portal back to the fortress and told it to follow me.

I told the fortress to let it stay.

I could feel Doom beginning to play with the access to magic I gave him. I could kill him if he tries to betray me.

I stopped paying attention however I could feel him if I even gave a bit of focus. I leave the fortress to claim the ring I am most interested in.

The Orange Mandarin ring is the one that is capable of altering matter. To what extent I don't know I am hoping enough to be able to create things like True Adamantium since just using Pym Particles is not enough and it is too time-consuming and if the rings can become powerful enough maybe I can make more Adamantine for a suit that hopefully rivals the Hellbat maybe even surpasses it.

The Hellbat suit was able to make Batman go against Darkseid for a bit, on Apokalips. The Mandarin armor is a source to get inspiration from as not only can it allow a human to against the Hulk with all ten rings.

Something I noticed is that whenever I bring out the armor it makes the rings that I don't have yet to send out a sort of energy that I am guessing is being used to make the armor to the wielder's previous modifications. I wasn't able to notice it before since I didn't have enough rings it seems.

I quickly gather the other ones but the tenth one yet, Gene Khan's mom hasn't obtained the purple ring as I see the tenth one being held by the Makluan that gave the rings to the first Mandarin. I could sense his life force slipping away. Nothing really happened with the other ones since I already remember the way the trials were completed. Fin Fang Foom was the most annoying one though. I wasn't going to test the rings although I could feel a lot of power surging through the Mandarin armor

I entered the temple to meet the Makluan.

I was a bit excited since this would be my first time meeting an alien face to face. The Skrulls don't count since they basically live on Earth now and if they try their secret invasion bullsh#t I am going to do to them what was done in the supergirl show poison the planet to their DNA.

As I entered the room I saw the ring chamber and the Makluan already standing there. He looked like he did in the show except that he is a lot more grey I could notice that his body was decaying and being made back as I could notice the ring giving a sort of energy to keep him alive although each time the energy cycled through him it seemed less effective.

"You thief the rings do not belong to you," He shouted although he seemed as even yelling tired him out.

I quickly went over to him and made a seat made of stone gather beneath in order for him to sit down as I could tell he was dying and suffering at the same time.

"Sit you are dying," I said to him calmly as I made the helmet vanish.

"You do not possess the dragon seed yet, how do you know of the rings," He asked while coughing up what I am sure is a sort of purplish blood. Also, straight to the point, ok.

"I know what has happened to the ones who have the dragon seed they were evil as I know some of their acts throughout history they have brought nothing but pain and suffering to others in the pursuit of the rings," I told him and I wasn't actually lying about this a few of them were marked through history to make such event or even wars happen.

He seemed to look at me for a moment before he looked at a black stone on his palm as it flashed light blue.

("A lying detector, cool") I thought.

"You speak true," He said sadly as I could tell that he began to shed a few tears

"My friend wanted to unite his world to make it better when he saw his own children compete for his power and the lengths they would go to make it happen," He said coughing up a bit more blood as I moved to heal him hoping to somehow hear him finish his tale.

"Before I met him I was on my home planet which I can tell you are not surprised to know, anyway I stole the rings from the Makluan overlord and left to a distant planet with as much knowledge as I could get before departing," He continued leaving a bit out place since he started talking.

(He probably has dementia) I thought (I mean his body is pretty much decaying right now)

"When I arrived I soon met some of the inhabitants of this world and most of them wanted to kill me for being different, one day as I was returning from hunting a few animals I noticed a young man I guess that they are called man, I was curious since he did not seem frightened of me, So I met him and while he was scared we quickly became friends," He said before coughing up more blood.

"After some time he would go out to help villages in need of saving, one day I tested him and gave him a single ring, to see if he was worthy of wielding such power. and he further surprised me by using that and the knowledge on my ship to help everyone out little by little," He continued while being in pain

"Soon I deemed him worthy of all of the rings and he proved once again he was worthy, one day he met a female who he fell in love with and had children with although he would get some mistresses he loved them all equally, his children, however, were the opposite of him except one in total had had 11 children," he said as I was paying attention I mean so much lore

"The child was the youngest but with his father's heart and courage by standing up to his brothers and sisters when they would abuse their authority on others, his father looked at him as the new Mandarin and was going to test him the same way he was tested," He said as if remembering those times.

"He passed the test and his father gave him a single ring to start out, however, his siblings found out and they quickly devised a plan to kill him, they managed to get the help of someone called Selene Galio," He said as I paled

("I saw her once when she met with the Ancient One") I remember her I only knew that she was a powerful witch and someone who could rival the Ancient One in terms of magical knowledge it is mostly due to access to the sanctums and her vast experience dealing with other rivals that she has remained the Sorceress Supreme.

("I am going to have to make plans to deal with her")

"He fought valiantly and with determination however due to his limited knowledge of magic he felled by her hand while his siblings rushed to get the ring he had unknown to them their father arrived to see them rejoicing over their youngest siblings' death," He said coughing out blood.

"He quickly summoned the ring to his finger and unleashed his fury on the witch realizing so much power and magical energy that the witch was forced to retreat in fear of his anger," He continued as I was more or less shocked to know just how powerful the original Mandarin was.

(I am going to have to train even more to achieve such skill with them although I was planning on a way to merge the rings into one) I thought to myself still in a bit of shock at knowing that he made her retreat either she wasn't prepared for such an assault or he truly overpowered her.

"He punished his children by the dragon seed lay dormant for at least three generations since Makluan DNA is more dominant than a human's he left his kingdom and asked me to defend the tenth time after he finished making it. I agreed as he didn't want to prolong his life using the power of the life ring and Makluan's live for hundreds of years after his passing I placed the rings in their respective temples and stayed here until you took the nine rings. Unfortunately, I waited too long as the power of the ring is no longer able to support me for much longer," He finished as I looked at his left hand slowly beginning to turn into dust. I was curious about something.

"Why tell me all of this?" I asked curious about this.

"I can tell you want the power of the rings to help you survive something, what it is I do not know, but make sure that your pursuit of power does not change who you are," he finished as he finished turning into dust as the stone he was holding also turned to dust and the ring fell but I caught it before it did.

"Maybe I should take a break," I said to myself pondering about what he said about my pursuit of power.