Please review

I just want to say that a lot of people think this is trash and I agree but I am not going to rewrite it entirely as I am going to merge some of the chapter or try to at least.

I am new to the English language I have had to study its grammar rules I basically have to research every day and I am trying to improve the quality of what I write

If the people who don't like this story you can make your own heck take some ideas from my story if you want I am new to this stuff I don't have the responsibility to continue this story if I don't want to. But I am continuing because I find myself enjoying making this story yes it is slow but with every chapter, I do my best to improve

To the people who like this story thank you for your support. please review so that I can get some more motivation to continue writing

Also if you have any reading recommendations I would appreciate if you shared them with me