Date Part 1: Shower Thougts Chp 45


I am currently changing and looking through my clothes trying to find something to wear.

("Ok, Aiden you are taking your first girlfriend on a date what does she like") I thought to myself

("She doesn't like me spending too much money even though that isn't an issue. Good thing I already know where I am taking her")

We are going to go watch a movie in the theater then afterward go to someplace she wants to visit.

When I am sure of what I am going to wear I head over to take a shower. Even though I don't really need to I like taking showers.

I am thinking of what I discovered about the Skrulls and their plan for Earth. I wasn't leaving those pieces of crap go away. They have begun their invasion with hostility. The other refugees are coming to Earth after they get in contact with one that is deeply in the world government they make some humans disappear which means they kill them off the world and drop them on a course to the sun.

Apparently, the reason they are being so discreet about it is that a certain law made by a treaty made by the most powerful space empires made it so that a species must have at least 5 years of history and record most of what they can on the planet they are on. But, it is vague about it, it could be starting at 100 GB of data of anything that could be turned in as a form of history is valid. This means their history with SHIELD or SWORD is enough to finish the first part and in all honesty, I should have seen this coming.

The second part of the treaty is that the planet will belong to the smartest and strongest species on Earth. The third is if it is already claimed by an empire they cannot claim it. The Skrulls at their physical peak are at least two point five times stronger and faster than humans. The average is Skrulls is 12% smarter than the average human and it has to be in general the oddballs don't really matter like Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Reed Richards, or even Doctor Doom

Humanity has lost the right to claim its own planet in the eyes of the universe the only reason that they are waiting is because of Earth being under the protection of Asguard. They know about the cycles that they go through because of the "gods beyond gods" which make Ragnarok happen. They are waiting for it to happen since it leaves the protection that they provide in legal flux. The Skrulls just need the information to prove that they recorded some of the animals or plants to their ecosystems.

They are planning to use the information humanity has recorded of its own planet to claim it as theirs ignoring all the history of humanity itself. It quite frankly pissed me off, they are also other things they have to do in order to claim the planet. But, honestly, all of those seem rather unimportant compared to the big three on the list.

Since this solar system is unclaimed by any empire it is no wonder just how much trouble the people of earth have to suffer from alien attacks. The Earth became so known and the issue with it is that Asguard is the only thing defending it. This brings me up to my next issue.

I am going to have to kill the Olympians no question about it. The Skrulls managed to somehow get in contact with a few of them and began to more or less worship them giving them power. These Olympians require faith in order to keep their strength or use it to become stronger. I more or less laid a claim that was recognized to Zenith's previous ownership, I got a domain that is more superficial to enhance my water-based powers, I would need to become a god in order to get the domains of Neptune properly and their power.

Nova Roma, while it worships the Olympians their power has been on the decline. Ancient Greece had around 13 million people worshiping them and they were at the height of their powers. Don't even get me started on ancient Rome that is one huge clusterf#ck that I am choosing to ignore.

Zeus has more or less banished the ones in his pantheon that were against the Skrulls taking over the Earth. Hephaestus was the first one to be banished followed by surprisingly Ares who followed Hephaestus and is staying with him somewhere in the US. Artemis soon followed them along with Apollo and quite a few of them have been banished by Zeus. I don't know their story but I hope they are a lot nicer than in the stories.

Zeus basically ripped as much power from them as he could and kicked them off Olympus. As far as I know, they are in hiding and looking for help from other pantheons some have allowed them in the Shinto took in Hestia due to her nice reputation. The Egyptians probably got one of the best, Hecate the goddess of magic.

Zeus is an idiot from kicking out so many of them due to him being power-crazed from the power boost that he got from being worshipped by an extra 5,300 Skrulls compared to Nova Roma which only has a population of 3,800. The ones that chose to let the Skrulls take over the Earth have been getting their power back.

I am thinking of maybe when I become a god I can take them into my pantheon. Although, I am not stupid enough to let someone like Athena or Aphrodite into it after I begin killing the Greek pantheon off. From my research into them in Kamar-Taj Athena started world war one which means this version of her is a warmonger. Aphrodite created some of the sexual diseases here that can't be cured, yet. And she made the first one out of spite because a man preferred his wife over the goddess of love. I am going to be careful on who I let join my future pantheon.

I shake my head and after I finish rinsing myself and turned the shower off and change into the clothes I chose for my date with Jean.

I wait for Jean to finish changing and saw that there were was still an hour before our date.

"I guess I got ready too early," I said to myself hoping to myself that we could maybe go early to buy some snacks and walk around.