"YOU IDIOT WHY DIDI YOU DECLARE WAR ON THEM" Jean yelled angrily at me
"Aphrodite threatened me that her servants would have their way with you if I didn't join them," I responded
Jean sighed as she went to sit in a chair
We are at the fortress I had come back after telling the Ancient One I was going to kill what remained of Olympus.
"Aiden you can't fight them all on your own," She said concerned about me.
"That is where you are wrong Jean I can and I will," I said
"I will help you and don't even think about keeping me here we are both targets now remember," She said the last part when she saw my mouth opening.
"Ok, fine you can help and I really appreciate it but I am going to be making your equipment to help you," I said and laid out my condition
"Ok," she said simply as she went over the room I had made for her in case of emergencies.
We have been talking for a while now about what happened with Aphrodite and me declaring war on Olympus. I was planning on using them as an example to the other pantheons and most importantly the fates that I am not to be messed with.
After I killed Aphrodite I made sure to get rid of her remains by sending them into space and chopping it into as many pieces as I could and blasting them. I was already finished with the bomb designed to hurt only the pure-blooded Skrulls and it would bypass any sort of defense since it would be in the entire atmosphere. I made sure to tone it down on the children they may have on Earth.
My ship wasn't finished yet but I made sure to make more construction bots t speed up the process. I was going to be making that ship my main base across this universe.
My progress with the Makluan rings was incredible I was reaching Avatar levels of elemental control with them. With just my magic however, was nowhere near that point but I am going to improve my elemental magic. Right now I need to figure out how I am going to do this.
Going straight to them may get me beat but my adaptation would take care of it. They aren't as powerful as they once were so I may have the advantage against them. I would need to find a way to make sure that I get hit by them in order to let my adaptation do its job.
My adaptation started at zero. I was essentially just a Kryptonian but with it, over time my body began to finally change. I could barely notice the differences and when I held the time stone I stupidly made with my limited control over my adaptation made me immune to time attacks or at least highly resistant to them I forgot about it giving me some sort of affinity with time magic but I didn't.
My adaptation made my body more efficient at taking in solar energy combined with my energy absorption I was able to more or less become immune to energy attacks. Although, I can also absorb some magical energies some of them may in fact distract me from what I am doing and I can't afford it at the moment.
I am going to head over to some highly radioactive places to see If I can get more powers hopefully a place may give me the ability to teleport as He'l does and with it a space affinity since relying on my portals and having to make a huge amount of calculations is getting annoying really fast. I already have my "Superman Vision" or power bequeathment which allows me to share my power with others.
My "Superman Vision" drains me a lot but that was before my dip in the sun which raised my reserves by a huge amount. So, maybe I can use it on someone I absolutely trust but one reason keeps me back.
In the Smallville tv show, Jonathan Kent was given the powers of a Kryptonian however due to him being human his body was not able to handle that power and accelerated his heart condition and killed him.
My armor was nearly done since I made it more of priority now, although I still haven't found a way to make Proto-Adamantium I am hoping that I could replicate it after observing it after figuring it out or I could see the structure of it with my supervision. I could replicate True-Adamantium and I am hoping that it works with Proto-Adamantium. Steve Rogers wasn't out of the ice yet as Shield still hasn't found him yet.
Zenith is capable of slaying gods as proven with Aphrodite but that was because she was incredibly weak from not having been worshipped by humans for a long time. Heck, most of her power was gone as the goddess of love.
She is or was the goddess of love except that when she began to manipulate mortals into falling in love and then having increased the lust of one of the couples for another her domain of love began to leave her and when she began to hate humans it left her entirely. She became the goddess of sluts and beauty because at least some whores do so out of a need to get money.
My research into the runes etched into Excalibur has gone well although now I need to find a dead celestial and use the flames in it to make the enchantments and I know where to find one but I need to finish some other things before I can go. I am worried that after enchanting Zenith with the enchantments I won't be able to add Proto-Adamantium or Uru to it.
The armor is nearly done with enough protections and enough enhancements to help me out massively. Even, though it uses a huge amount of energy a single arc reactor is more than enough to power it even then I added a few small ones to the palms of hands and one in the middle of my back although this one is more or less hidden in case someone tries to grab me from behind.
I debated on adding some to my boots but I decided that yes in case of emergency and to give my kicks some extra firepower.
I thought about the humanoid jackal that was made by the original Mandarin. It is intelligent enough to do some things but not really that smart.
My speed force has no enforcer and having someone to prevent others from traveling back in time sounds good. Nothing really good happens when someone messes with time travel. Like the 4th dimensional beings from Rick and Morty "you don't f#ck with time," and besides my speed force has no Black Flash maybe it is time to change that...