White Mage Feat And Entities Chp 64


#Aiden POV#

I lifted some rubble with my telekinesis and got the people out of there as well.

I am currently helping people around the area Omni-Man threw Mark and destroyed a few buildings during our fight.

I can see people under the rubble and even hear them.

I look to where Mark is lifting a car which was on top of a woman as I go over and send a healing orb towards her which will heal her over time.

"Invincible I will go over to the emergency tents that they have put up and begin healing others as much as I can, send them my way," I told/ordered him

"Ok, I will," He said guiltily

I went over and began healing as many people as I could

#Timeskip 5 hours later#

I healed over 2000 thousand people and left the others as they only had a few bruises and cuts nothing serious.

My core was nearly drained when I finished healing the last ones and I was drained magically.

(When I get back I need to practice more healing magic) I thought when I remembered about someone

(Sh#t I forgot about Jean... oh and Hera too, I guess) I thought to myself a bit tired from today.

As I was about to leave while taking a few minutes above the clouds a voice called out to me.

"Wait," said Cecil as he ran towards me

"What do you want?" I said annoyed

"Who are you really?" He asked suspiciously

"I told you I am Superman," I responded

He sighed heavily

"Listen whoever you are I don't want another Omni-Man situation happening again I need to know who you are and what you want." He said seriously

"What I want is to go back home and I am not going to attack Earth trust me I couldn't care less about ruling your planet and if Omni-Man returns or his people come here I will deal with him or his kind as I was holding back against him," I responded and I even made sure to get rid of any of my blood which is incredibly easy as my blood has power, my dimensional power which made it so easy to track down heck I can even turn any dead cells into dust leaving no DNA behind.

"That doesn't exactly leave me with confidence," He said

I sighed again

"Listen I am a friend of Mark's I guess you can ask him about me since I trust him more than I trust you," I said as I remembered something that made me facepalm

"Ok, listen I am stuck on this planet and if you help me get back home I will help protect it until I can return home and during that time I will help Mark with his powers," I offered since Omni-Man wasn't around anymore I am sure some other empires will also want Earth and since healing so many people revealed a problem with my core which is going to be an easy fix I hope. Mark is barely learning about his strength and even though he is nowhere near as strong as I am, I can teach him to use the different applications differently.

He seemed to think about it for a few minutes before he nodded

"Ok, I will help you get back home but you are going to need to explain where it is," He answered

I don't trust Cecil he reminds me too much of Nick Fury.

"See you later and contact Mark he knows where I am staying," I told him as I flew away to face my doom at the hands of my pissed-off girlfriend.


"WHAT IS THIS CONNECTION AND WHERE DOES IT LEAD TO, " said a being that was scared of the tiny yellow thread that leads outside of everything they know this is Eternity

"WE MUST DESTROY IT," Said a scared female voice this is Infinity

"I say we wait and see what happens next," Said another female although this one looked like a human wearing very skimpy clothing and she looked beautiful if not for the scowl on her face

"NO, I WILL DESTROY IT," Shouted Eternity as made a blast that would destroy and as it neared the string the blast disappeared as a four-faced golden entity spoke up

"You shall do nothing," Commanded The Living Tribunal

"Why?" asked Eternity

"It is not your place to know why this string is being allowed to exist but know that if any of you try to cross it or destroy it I will erase and replace you," Said/Threatened The Living Tribunal showcasing power unlike anything they remember him having before

"You have been empowered by HE WHO STANDS ABOVE ALL," Said Death shocked at his new level of power

"Yes," He answered as they all left without another word as a small grey string seemed to follow next to the yellow one as soon a green with purple and one with black followed it however each disappeared after a while


A green and purple robotic being crash-landed on a dead planet and stood up and began making preparations to add the planet to its collection

A black figure crash-landed on a desert planet as the orange sun's rays empowered him and light revealed a symbol on his chest which has a Z on it as he began to gain consciousness as his eyes shone a red-orange as his face twisted in rage.

A grey-skinned figure with spikes made of bones landed on a planet similar to earth as he began to rampage across it the moment he landed and began slaughtering the planet

(N/A I am back but remember only five chapters a week)