Resting Chp 69



"Mark, come on you can move than that," I told him as we are currently training in the fortress

"You are just too fast," he responded which made me frown a bit at my new problem

I am too strong

Three days ago I let out a sigh and it was powerful enough to part the clouds as it was raining that day.

"I know Mark but I am having a simulated room capable of letting you go all out while it will let me use a fair bit of my power," I said

I am making something like the danger room thankfully I remembered about it but this one is being enhanced by magic and I also have a plan for it for my personal use when I want to get stronger faster.

I am planning on stealing a star from Mark's universe preferably a blue one.

With the danger room combined with the time stone in the Eye Of Agamotto and the blue star, I can literally absorb its energies even faster although I would have to go into a deep meditative state in order to make the most of it. I am just having it built and later I will modify it with magic later.

"Yeah, that room sounds amazing," he said taking deep breaths as I had been poking him a lot which made shockwaves around us and got him to lose his breath every time. I have also been teaching some martial arts and I have to say having someone to train with while flying has been a huge help.

Mark then began to go back down to the fortress as we entered I told Mark I am going to be practicing again as he nodded and went to the med area to get healed

What I am practicing now are the new powers I got from Zeus with some help from Hera who told me about what she knows.

After we came back I bound Zeus' spear to me which gave me his powers but again as what happened with Zenith I need to become a god in order to get the full benefits of it. I even looted Olympus after Hades left and in all honesty, he seems pretty chill compared to his DC counterpart.

I can use lightning-related magic even easier and it is stronger now. I destroyed a mountain with a single bolt. Since I am not a god or at least the Greco-Roman version of one I don't need the faith of others to keep my power so that's a plus. However, my control shot down again so I also need to train with that.

When I looted Olympus, I took any treasure I could find I tore it apart but my greatest gains were Hephaestus forge as it had many materials the best of which was around three tons of Adamantine which unfortunately doesn't increase with Pym Particles. I found something even better a nail-size rock of Uru in a small container and Hera confirmed that it is but the best is that it is blank which means that it has no magic absorbed in it.

Hephaestus can materialize any sort of crafting material that he wants however since Uru is so dense that is all he could actually make in the span of thousands of years. Which makes sense considering just how rare Uru actually is. In the comics and movies, we see them all that time but we don't really understand just how rare it actually is.

I also found Hephaestus's notes about Adamantine and Uru he theorizes that you can mix both of them together perfectly and some of his notes actually to it being possible however due to him leaving it behind I am going to continue from where he stopped I also took his Adamantine tools, unfortunately, they are just enchanted Adamantine tools alongside everything.

When I looted Zeus's home I found his journal of t when the Celestials came to earth. He managed to kill one and defeat two but since they were thousands of them he was defeated alongside every pantheon on Earth. Which made me realize just how weak he actually was before I killed him. Being able to kill a celestial was a feat that would have drawn the eyes of every empire in this universe to Earth.

I shook my head as I went flying while summoning clouds as I began practicing with my thunder.


I had told Mark I was leaving for my apartment and he came with me as I had given him the one below mine.

I entered my apartment and noticed Hera with a pillow and a blanket on the sofa with a red face.

"Why are you here?" I asked her which made her face get redder and she pointed at our room

"ooookk" I said slowly while going over to our room when I entered I got a hard-on that I am sure had been wearing normal clothes it would rip through them instantly.

Jean is wearing only a bra and panties that are a bit too small for her with a lustful look on her face as she made a motion with her finger to come closer.

I closed the door and use a spell to make sure no sound comes out and in a few moments, I am kissing her deeply while groping her breasts and #ss.