Going Back Chp 75



I am currently in the fortress with Mark, Jean, and Hera as Mark and I are ready to go back to help against Viltrum.

Although, Jean and Hera were not coming with us as their powers would diminish greatly if they did. But I promised that I would take them with me into space in this multiverse.

They were currently wishing me good luck but soon they limped away as we went at like animals last night.

"Mark are you ready to go back?" I asked him as he has changed in such a short amount of time.

He is wearing the outfit I made for him composed of Vibranium and enchantments the enhance the strength and durability of Vibranium.

His costume looks like his old except for the colors as I changed the blue to red and the yellow to a dark purple.

He like the suit I made for him and he asked me to not put any strength enchantments to his suit, I did anyway to give him an edge.

I visited Ororo and Raven/Mystique they are still recovering with Raven still facing those issues but I promised that one day I will find a way to get rid of what Charles did to her. Ororo is teaching at the Island and Logan is hunting for Romulus.

I asked Logan if he needed any help finding him.

He declined to say it was something he has to do himself although he did thank me and I gave a watch that would emit a sound at a frequency I could hear in case he need help.

Jean and Ororo have come into contact and they are getting to know each other as friends and Hera joins her from time to time but she is mostly helping Raven with her issues and they have become friends due to them living a long time.

"As ready as I'll ever be though I am still weaker than you," Said Mark

"I know and when I told you about magic and you asked to learn and we found out that you have no talent for it at all," I said as when he tried to connect to a dimension including mine he couldn't even use a sling ring, not even sparks would appear.

"I know but you said that maybe one day I can learn magic from another world," He said as I nodded

Mark and I became friends and I even introduced him to Peter and we all got along.

Mark is not really as smart us though but he makes up for it by working hard even with his powers he is not slacking at all.

With his speed, I tried to teach him how to phase through a wall but he couldn't at all he just broke through it but he still tried. After, a few more attempts I made him stop and wait until he is faster.

He whined about it since it would be cool to be able to do it but I told him to practice when he has time since I also taught him to control his strength and how to apply it in different ways.

"Are you sure you want to help me?" He asked me looking at me nervously

"Mark, I am going to help you, and remember I am not just doing this for you. If your dad is any indication and what he said about the Viltrumite empire there might be others stronger than him and in all honesty hearing about how he talked about it I am not leaving a universe where they just go to conquer also I am going to use them as training dummies," I finished saying as he looked at me with an 'are you serious' look

"Let's get going even though we might be there moments after we left," I said picking up my new weapon that I don't have a name for yet. (N/A any ideas for a name, It can turn into a longsword, greatsword, and shortsword.)

I kiss Jean

"Take care," said Jean looking at me in the eyes with concern and obviously nervous

"I will," I said

I went over to Hera and kissed her as well in these past few days we got to know each other a bit more.

"You better come back to us," She said as she leaned her forehead against mine

"I promise I will," I said and then I went over where Mark was waiting with his stuff packed in a bag

"Ready?" I asked Mark as I opened a portal

"Ready," He said as we went through and thankfully I brought a fortress crystal with me this time

After, what felt like an hour I began to sense that we were reaching his multiverse and soon enough were there just a few days before Allen told us to meet him since I wanted to get a fortress set up and see if I can somehow link it up with the one in the Marvel multiverse.

I explained what time we arrived and he thanked me as he went to check on his mom as he has been worried about her.

I went with him since he is going to let me stay in his house in the meantime.

As Mark and I entered his house we saw that it was empty and that his mom was still working at her job

"Mark, do you want to go flying..." I was interrupted by Allen screaming for Mark and I

"Mark, Allen is looking for us and he sounds like he is panicking," I said to him

"Ok, I am going to get ready," he said speeding to his room as I put my suit on and wait for him which only takes us a few seconds as we both then fly over to where Allen is coming for us. As we approach he looks terrified of something

"Allen, what happened?" I asked in a serious voice sine if something made him nervous it must mean something big happened.

"It's the Viltrumites homeworld, they..." he cut himself off as I notice that he is tired

"Calm down and then tell us what happened," said Mark

"Vitrum has been destroyed," He said"And everyone who has tried to check up on that area has disappeared and the coalition of planets doesn't know what to do since some other group managed to do something most planets in the universe only dream of doing," He finished as both Mark and I just look at him and he explains everything that he knows