Magic House Making Chp 82

#Aiden Pov#

I wake up feeling Hera's and Jean's naked bodies as some sunlight comes through one of the windows and the sudden burst of energy made me wake up.

I carefully try to maneuver myself out but notice that my d#ck is inside Jean as she moans lightly. I take it out of her while moaning slightly myself and get out of bed.

I quickly put on some clothes from my closet which I noticed that Jean and Hera have put some clothes in too instead of their own as I sighed

"I need to make a house for us to live in," I said whispering to myself while thinking about it.

New York is an ok city to live in if don't count the smells and the fact that I can smell everything from here to China. Making my own home may give me better opportunities to better prepare myself. As far as I know Celestials and beings stronger than them can still kill me easily.

Right now I am also focusing on making a few stones to make a portal to The Phantom Zone big enough to put the blue sun from the Viltrumite homeworld inside it.

After, I came back to check on the progress of my ship I also decided to make my own Eradicator when I thought of Lois Lane from the dark multiverse and the fact that the fortress could provide humans with powers like a Kryptonian for a short while and not without risk.

The Progenitor may be dead but the amount of power left behind speaks volumes of his power. I can tell that something is wrong with its body and it is pretty obvious the metal it is made out of is deteriorating.

I know Iron Man made the Godkiller armor MK 2 which was made of regular materials.

I snort when I think of that as imagining my own future version of it which is my next plan after I get the blue sun.

I go to the fortress to check up on Zod after seeing Anissa eating breakfast.

Zod has been quiet and he knows I don't trust him enough to access some if any of the functions at the fortress, it is also clear that he is not a scientist although I am letting him educate himself by downloading the relevant information into his brain.

I go into my workroom and continue to think about the house.

I am going to be using magic of course in order to make it truly safe. The defenses are going to be miniaturized world engines in order to basically destroy everything that wants to attack it. I am also going to be making robots like Vision from the MCU version some of the technology in the fortress is similar to what Helen Cho used to create him granted I am also going to be merging at least one of them with the Eradicator but I am not going to be giving him the mind stone.

I stop for a moment when I remember how long it would take to make something like that even if my drones make it I am still going to have to be there to place the enchantments on them.

I check on the progress of the ship and go around the world helping people.

I saved a kid from falling from a tree, saved some others from a tsunami.

I also tried to practice phasing through objects of different densities and using my microscopic heat-vision to perform emergency surgeries but I also used my healing magic if the situation arose.

After, I finished in a small town that was hit by a small plague. I began to wonder how to go to other worlds when I went to Mark's Multiverse it was a complete accident but trying to go purposely is another matter entirely.

In a few moments, I go to the sun and stay there for a few hours and notice the difference in the blue and yellow sun. It is not the same since I got far more power from the blue sun

As I head back to Earth and enter the atmosphere I hear Hera calling me for our date


A pale light-grey-skinned woman Is panting as she gropes herself and masturbates to what she is watching.

"So hot," she murmurs as she watches Aiden thrust into Hera making scream in pleasure and making her hornier but she can't seem to get her release

#Lady Death#

"Come on dammit why aren't I CUMMING YET DAMN IT," I scream in frustration while watching my new favorite hobby watching the mortal Aiden.

He caused some waves among the abstracts but he appears to be untouchable by me for some reason. It pissed me off when the Living Tribunal said that even if he dies his soul will not go to me but instead to some bastard called Nekron.

"Who the f#ck is Nekron anyway," I whispered while still rubbing my clit while watching Aiden and Hera cum together which made me jealous his life force seems to increase every moment for some reason, and if it continues to do...

"I can't get any more of that delicious energy of his..." I whispered while cumming a little at the thought of the energy he expended while practicing with soul magic which made me cum harder than ever before.

"Just the thought of it makes me hornier..." I whimpered a little while imagining myself getting his energy the thing is I can't interact with him myself...

"I do have an avatar that may prove useful to me..." I said still rubbing myself

"Maybe it's time to get in contact with that Asgardian..." I said while watching Aiden come inside the redhead