Inheritors Chp 87


Morlun is continuing to punch me trying to free himself and after a few minutes both of his hands were broken from the attempt

I open a portal and take Peter and Morlun with me to a desert to fight or beat Morlun.

I grab Peter carefully with telekinesis while keeping the healing spell on him.

"It's you," Said Morlun with a smile which made him look creepy

I grab one of his arms and rip it off as he screams in pain

"Talk why are you looking for me?" I asked him angry at what he did to Peter

He spits in my face as my eyes turn red and my heat vision cuts on him his left leg.

"Fine if you won't talk I will rip out of you," I said to him nearly growling at him as I enter his mind

(Holy sh#t) I thought when I see just how long Morlun has been alive

After, a few minutes of me searching his mind I see the final battle of the spiders against the inheritors, and they...


But the Inheritors didn't win either as the totems that they needed for the ritual were taken from their universe Earth-001 but the spiders took a lot of casualties on their side as the Inheritors managed to get the upper hand by ganging up on them and even though they only killed three of them it was useless as they had other bodies for them to inhabit. The Spider side lost a Spiderman with the Pheonix and another with the enigma force although that was just because they got arrogant.

I see them reacting to them sensing my lifeforce which made me nearly panic since it can now be apparently felt between universes now and I have no doubt that I just became the most delicious dessert of some other beings.

Morlun and his family found me first due to me being close to Peter for quite some time and when they saw us they thought that Peter was the one with so much lifeforce.

Morlun found the right universe first which means the others can't be far behind.

I bring out my sword and channel energy from the Phantom Zone and cut his head off making sure to trap his soul to prevent him from going to another body, I will destroy it later.

I use my heat vision to vaporize his entire body and turning the surrounding sand into molten glass. I grab Peter and open a portal to the fortress and activate its defenses and make it give out a signal for Zod to come over to the fortress as he is overseeing the construction of the ship.

I go to where Jean and Hera are, as they both rush to me the moment they saw me.

They hug me as I comfort them and tell them what I know about the inheritors.

"I have never heard of these Inheritors but it sounds like they would like to eat Arachne from what you told me and I can't believe Athena turn her in the mother of all spiders on this Earth..." Said Hera murmuring towards the end but I could still hear her.

"So what are we going to do if what you said that they defeated a spider totem with the Pheonix-Force that was proficient in using its powers I don't know how I will help you at all," Said Jean frustrated

"I have a way to amplify your mental powers beyond your current level and thankfully I finished the prototype," I said to her while Hera began paying attention to us as I explained the device that Charles used to amplify his own powers.

"Are you sure that there won't be any consequences?" Asked Jean worried about the repercussions and I am worried about it too.

Marvel is a universe that barely gives out any power without any repercussions at all and even through the use of technology one must always face some negative effect in some way shape or form.

Jean's mental capabilities are insane compare to everyone that is not me since my powers are always increasing thanks to the energy that gives me my powers. Jean may possibly even rival the Pheonix in terms of raw psychic energy since in the comics she has never really reached her own potential and her power has never really reach its full potential without it as far as I am aware.

I hear Zod arriving I go to meet him

"Zod, get ready," I tell him when I see him

"Ready for what?" He asks me

"What you were raised to do, war," I tell him as he straightens himself out as we plan to deal with the Inheritors and we plan on making the area outside of New York our battle.

After, a few hours I go check on Peter and see him waking up.

(N/A I will release a chapter at around 9 pm and tomorrow is my surgery)