Project: Armor (Rant And Thanks at the bottom) Chp 103

(N/A: Anissa is not in the harem I kicked her out of it also finally finished the Invincible comics)



I am in the shower at the fortress and relaxing.

I haven't been idle these past months my ship is ready now. I have been taking Jean, Hera, and Felicia out on dates. I did tell them what happened with Doomsday and the people he killed because of my carelessness.

They did get upset at how many people died but they assured me that I wouldn't have known I would pass out when crossing over to another Multiverse, with the technology at the fortress, I confirmed that I did pass out because my body adapted to a new multiverse that is completely different from my own.

Which included my brain which pretty much just had short-circuited however the fuck that happens. On the plus side, I adapted to things like that so hopefully, it only gives me a headache next time.

I did take Amora out on a date after a while. We have been taking it slowly.

I turn the shower off and step out and get a change of clothes.

Serafall has had some trouble adjusting but she did agree to stay here given that her world is in a perpetual shitstorm after I took Knull and brought him back here and made sure that the seal in the Vatican in the DXD verse stayed intact, I have plans for it.

Her original timeline is pretty much destroyed by the Knull that is still there. She was understandably pissed off at him still being alive in her own time and she swore revenge against him.

In the words of a self-proclaimed perfect being." Multiverse theory is a bitch".

But I am going to make sure something changes in her world even if I have to break her multiverse apart for eternity I fucking will.


The Dragon Ball rip-off in the dxdverse was so terrible. Imagine a Karen being in charge of it, mixing it with the awkwardness of power rangers and Sailor moon multiplying it by being woke. I was so disgusted after I finished watching it from Serafall's memories that I threw up for a few minutes and unleashed a solar flare.

I am going back there and fixing it no matter what even If break her multiverse to do it.

I was so mad that I am pretty sure if I was a Sayian I would have turned Super Sayian 3 skipping both 1 and 2 altogether from the sheer amount of rage either that or getting a red lantern ring gifted personally by the Butcher, the entity of rage.

I go to my lab after eating with the girls and taking them shopping, again.

I let out a sigh as I work on my new projects.

I am making a new suit with the help of Pym particles. I am using a lot of my reserves but at this point, I don't see another way to make the suit I want.

I enter a door in my lab and go into it as the room has been enchanted to be bigger on the inside, way bigger.

I turn to look at the magic-construction bots that are making my new armor the size of the progenitor. They are powered by my own magic and use it to make my new armor.

I look it over and send a quick burst of my magic toward it so that it is absorbed and strengthens itself as it glows with an ethereal aura and sometimes small amounts of electricity go around it and it glows crimson at random intervals replacing the ethereal aura.

The armor is made from a mix of Uru and Vibranium alongside a special metal that Jean helped me out locating, Mysterium. We had some struggles but we discovered that Jean can literally just summon huge amounts of it once she became aware of it she just conjured it up like a football field size amount which took me a while to cover up. I still had to figure out how to properly smelt but once I did the results speak for themselves.

Once the metal cooled down its durability is equal to secondary adamantium. It can conduct electricity at 100% efficiency which is absolutely incredible and barely conducts or retains heat. I tested this out with an ingot of the stuff and left it in the sun for 3 hours and when I got it back through a special portal to the fortress the thing was barely even warped.

It is incredible when conducting magic in fact it is a bit better than pure gold. The only issue was dealing with its Anti-Magic properties which I manage to get past it due to me sending my magical energy into it constantly during the smelting process.

The Anti-magic aspect of the metal is alright as I had the Ancient One test it against some weak barriers and she herself struck them and the barriers cracked a bit before they restored themselves while also leaving some damage on the weapon made from Mysterium. The weapon itself was not that impressive as I was still perfecting the process of making it.

While this ability alone was okay what I discovered next is even better.

I fused some of it with Vibranium and the result was glorious. The new metal is just as good as Uru in its magical capabilities. Both Mysterium and Vibranium enhanced one another but I didn't stop there. I mixed them with Uru and at that point, I nearly passed out at the sheer potential of it.

The mix of all three metals resonated with each other to the point that each and every single one of their individual capabilities were enhanced beyond what they are on their own. While my own version of Uru was mixed with Phantom, Crimson, and Speedforce energies it made it even more adaptable due to it taking my unique energy into it giving it some traits from me.

The reason I made the armor so huge was simple that way I have a much bigger area to put runes on as well as other enchantments and when it is shrunken down with Pym particles I will be able to use it. Granted the amount of Pym particles needed for it was insane I barely had enough for it to be permanent.

I took some major inspiration from the Hellbat suit, the armor from Superman Unchained and Superboy Prime's armor, and Iron man, and Mandarin from armored adventures.

The armor is capable of enhancing my strength, speed, and durability even further, and if pieces of it were somehow destroyed or irreparably damaged it can repair itself to an extent due to the enchantments placed on it. It is also capable of giving me blue sunlight just in case for whatever reason.

While it may seem redundant because of my own personal blue sun I wanted to be prepared for anything. My personal favorite was a tiny little addition I added in a case where if I ever lose my powers the armor has the ability to grant someone Kryptonian powers.

Like Jonathan Kent, was empowered through the Fortress in the show Smallville when Clark was running rampant on the drug called red kryptonite.

I also managed to replicate the powers of the Makluan rings and integrate the system that they use to empower someone into the armor. Giving me all of the abilities of the rings included in the armor. I am still trying to get access to those powers by myself.

It is powered by a few arc reactors alongside sun crystals and I supply my magic into it constantly. The size of the reactors and sun crystal are on average 6 feet until they are shrunken down. I charged the crystal in the blue sun in the Zone. The arc reactors don't really do much to empower me themselves however the energy that they make can be easily used to charge pretty much anything.

The most important part of the arc reactors was Mysterium. The reactors themselves generate heat and with the new metal, it is now even more stable and potent.

I did reforge my sword again and added Mysterium in it this time.

I continue to oversee the construction of my new armor as I think back to a week ago when one of the Multiverse probes arrived at another multiverse which made me say, "Fuck this shit I am out,".


I arrived at the new multiverse confused as it looked like a wall of metal surrounding it entirely with what looked like doors every few miles.

I move the Zone tunnel that I am in over to one of the doors that I would fit in and confirm that this new multiverse is surrounded by metal.

On the right side of the door, there was a scanner in it as I see something that made my blood run cold.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

"Fuck this", I say as I turn around grab the probe and send it into the void.

I go back into the Zone and cut the connection but moments before I do I feel myself being watched which makes me shiver.

If there is one place in my new life That I am never going to is the SCPverse

#Flashback End#

I shiver just remembering being anywhere near that place

I go out once I see that everything is going fine and go over to my ship which I made some modifications to the hull of it being reinforced with Mysterium and some of the machinery being replaced with the new metal.

I asked Carol If I could have a star chart in order to travel around and she gave me one. However, I do not have to use the travel points that they use in order to travel around the universe. But before that, I want to finish my personal magic circle.

When I finally finished adapting to the dxd verse I gained the ability to use their version of magic. I asked Serafall if she could teach me but she could only give me pointers due to one very small detail.

I am a Kryptonian

I am an unknown in her multiverse pretty much the only one outside of it capable of using it.

Devils have their own version of magic, Humans have their own which was pioneered by the Merlin in DXD. Before, Merlin pretty much every human had to do rituals that took too long to perform and were pathetic in all aspects.

I am trying to complete a personal magic circle of my own. From what Serafall told is that reincarnated devils can still use human magic but they can take it a step further with devil magic.

They can merge both human and devil magic together to make it stronger. What I am trying to do is merge both magic from DC with magic from Marvel and DXD. I can already combine both DC and Marvel magic but adding magic from DXD is a difficult thing to do for one reason.


A lot of magic from DXD requires someone to have an incredible amount of knowledge for different sciences. Biology, Chemistry, and fucking physics of all things. But the benefits are of using it and possibly merging it together outweigh the negatives.

I go over to another door and open it.

Inside I see an assembly line for a prototype Vision robot that I am working on.

I tried to make something like Amazo from the animated series through the fortress when I stopped and wondered If I should have something like that. In the show, it easily evolved to someone not even the entire Justice League was able to defeat in combat. So I stopped researching it and made the Vision army prototype for one very specific purpose.

Marvel Zombies

(N/A: Rant:

Ok, so I am back fully now I had to deal with some people from Webnovel that read this story and gave offensive comments in the review section of it. It got to the point where I deleted most of them that were vulgar and completely inappropriate that said "fuck you this story is terrible" and then giving me bad reviews or comments alongside this ----------- without giving me any explanation at all whatsoever. I am doing this because I like writing, I Iove the research that I put in into this story.

Something that some people don't get is that this is a fanfic I can take creative liberties all I want which is something many authors who write fanfics do.

But, I am not going to take any of that shit laying down. I am writing for fun, not for money or anything like that. This story and the gamer one are just for fun. It makes me laugh when someone insults me and the way I write because from what I see from most of them don't even write stories and if they do they don't even reach the 50k word mark the way that it should be by writing complete chapters. They spam words just to get to the 50K mark, some of them I understand they want to hear feedback which is understandable. But, for me, it got to a point where I was being insulted personally, I have since deleted those comments and reviews for the reasons stated above.

It is this type of behavior that got some of my favorite authors to drop their stories or just straight up quit writing in general. Take HelloDarkness07 who wrote, "The Celestial God!" or "I'mjusttryingtofindmyway" who wrote "The Spider" one of the best and longest Marvel Self-inserts in my opinion.

On HelloDarkness07's side, he probably lost interest in his story, probably in part due to the offensive reviews and comments that I watched and I am pretty sure he deleted some very offensive ones that I remember seeing. If any of you guys want, go look for I'mjusttryingtofindmyway story reviews it is understandable why he stopped writing, some of the stuff written in the review section there is unbelievable.

I have said it before and I will say it again. If people don't like this story you can make your own heck take some ideas from this story if you want I am still new to this stuff. I never claimed to be a world-renowned author with a best-selling book series. I don't have the responsibility to continue this story if I don't want to.

But I am continuing because I find myself enjoying making the stories that I am working on, yes it is slow but I have seen some that take over two hundred chapters just to get anywhere of interest. If you think you can do better than me which I am sure you can go on to make a better story.

With all that said I am thankful for the people who are supportive of me and have stuck with me these past months. I know I have been absent a lot, but thank you again for giving me new ideas and information about comics and shows that I didn't know about, and thank you for pointing out any grammar mistakes and helping me do better. Thank you guys and girls, if girls even read this.)