Project: X Gene And Sacred Gear Research Chp 105


Putting the Sentry Serum aside for the moment.

My next project is about the X-gene and how I can get it for myself. Charles's research into the blank X-gene which is an inactive one is supposed to give someone "random" powers.

Depends on the universe.

Charles discovered that altering an already activated X-gene could cause huge mental stability, he easily managed to find people with an Inactive X-gene. The results were interesting as all of the trial tests were successful.

He managed to pretty much copy and paste someone else's powers and put them in the blank X-gene, which when it was activated the powers that were copied would manifest in the person alongside the power he obtained.

In some cases, the powers managed to merge for example someone barely able to make fire but not being able to control it, if his inactive gene was merged with someone's who can control the fire the end result is the full pyrokinetic power set.

The only ones with sufficient knowledge on the X-gene are Nathaniel Essex and Apocalypse and very possibly the Celestials depending on which versions I am stuck with. Essex would be my best bet and I could try to go for Apocalypse. He did give Essex his original powers after all. I could also try to take Apocalypse's celestial ship which taught him everything he knows and gave him his god complex alongside his adoptive "father".

I don't know If I can deal with the stronger Celestials since in the comics most of their powers are not very well explained and it is said that they can mimic pretty much every other power out there with cosmic energy. Granted, I am pretty sure I can go killing them over and over as much as I want but killing them may draw the attention of the Fulcrum and by extension TOAA.

I don't know exactly

(N/A: Not to be confused with the Power Cosmic they are very different things.)

-LINEBREAK-Timeskip 2 days later-

I release a sigh and rub the back of my neck even though I don't feel any type of pain or anything like that it's a habit that stayed with me. I have been waiting for the DNA scanner to finish deciphering my own.

Finding the real Essex was a lot easier than it was supposed to be. He hid very well but I can still see him around the world. I can see and hear anything on Earth with extreme precision to the point it is as if I was standing in the same room as him while I was in the atmosphere.

I got the information out of him faster than he perceive and erased all memories of the encounter. What was a pain though was dealing with his failed clones.

Some of them became truly sentient and began experimenting on innocent people.

There really isn't anyone who the real Essex "tortured" that truly mattered. The only people he actually experiments on are the scum of the earth.

For example, someone like Charles is someone he is happy to experiment on.

Remembering the people he experiments on, I think back to when I went over to help a woman being assaulted and was not surprised at the result.

People tried to ambush me while they tried to take advantage of a woman which didn't really work. They were trying to kill me because I have pretty much destroyed a huge part of the Maggia from New York even though the fortress mainly deals with exposing their dealings.

Doesn't help that Felicia is robbing them blind.

Also, I can hear anything they say and read their minds as well.

So far I have the attention of multiple organizations that want me dead but they can't really come up with anything. There have been people that spoke against me but they can't do anything as I am going around the world helping people instead of just the United States which isn't even a problem for me but for some they said it feels like I betrayed my "country".

I have the Jackal that was protecting one of the Makluan rings to be both my Barry Allen and pseudo-Black Flash. While he would have been drawing on the speedforce he can now contribute his speed into generating more for me for one very small power that I have.

Superman Vision

Prolonged use of this ability on someone will give them Kryptonian powers. It took a week for the Jackal to keep the powers permanently. Thanks to my broken adaptation I was able to make sure he only got the powers of a Kryptonian Magi with a modified core to generate Speedforce energy for me alongside instinctual knowledge of how to use the basic power set.

This thankfully managed to give him an incredible intelligence boost. Enough for him to be able to learn complex subjects like Magic for instance although he is barely at the level of a beginner and he barely managed to learn how to replicate my mental shields which is a work in progress.

Right now he is helping around the sanctums with very dangerous beings last week he fought off Nightmare. Which was a surprise but a welcomed one as now I have someone capable of helping me out. While it may seem like a bad idea remember the oaths someone could make and he swore to be loyal to me forever.

I shake my head as I begin to make my way over to where the girls are in order to go to our new home. I make my way to the portal in the fortress and think about the Sacred Gears in my possession.

I have been researching them alongside both Knull's and his brother's memories and saw just how their potential was never even scratched in the manga.

(N/A: I read the manga and only watched season one as I didn't like the anime that much)

They are more powerful than even Serafall knows she was surprised at what I discovered. Knull who took over a version of his brother knows everything about the Sacred Gears and the bugs that his brother was going to fix, the balance breakers. But what I was most interested in was the ability for them to take items into themselves and evolve themselves.

I would like to see someone from Fairy Tail have a Sacred Gear and absolutely wreck everyone. I have a plan to integrate both the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing into me and merge it with my new armor and I can barely wait for it.

Although, both Gears are not up to par yet to the time when Issei and Vali had them this is where the evolution aspect of both comes into play.

In the manga, the sacred gears evolved based on the user's desires and want with certain repercussions throughout history.

Which I can totally ignore

In the manga, Issei lost a huge amount of his life force since Devils were said to live nearly forever. Devils and most of the beings in DXD sustain injuries and while they may heal a small amount of scar tissue remains and they may die looking like they did in their prime but certain parts of the body don't work as well as they did in their prime.

This is why Pheonix Tears are wanted so much in DXD.

Serafall told me that a human in DXD managed to make a stone to replicate the effects of the tears. That human was Nicholas Flamel a master Alchemist and it turns out in DXD that he was one of the only real Alchemists. Most of them didn't really share their secrets and their knowledge died with them. I learned that there were lots of fakes around in DXD which gave them a bad rep.

When Flamel made the Philosopher's Stone the factions took notice of it right away since he looked like a 70 old man, however after using the stone he looked like he was 35. According to the records that Serafall read the liquid made by the stone was just as good as a phoenix tear. The tears can also do that to a human from some experiments that were conducted by the Phenex.

However, he was hunted down and killed by, wait for it, the Catholic church.

(Why is it always them) I thought to myself

They kept the stone and tried to use it for themselves and surprise they couldn't use it without a master alchemist.

"Seriously, why always them," I said to myself as I got out of the portal.

As I approach them as they were currently getting ready to go and everything was nearly packed I began to hear the same type of portal that the inheritors use to travel.

I quickly excused myself and went out to see them and who I saw surprised me

(N/A: I haven't been updating much because I scrapped some of the chapter outlines that I had because I didn't like them. So I am going to be rewriting them and coming up with new ideas.

Also, family issues with my nieces and nephew I am currently taking them to school and making sure they are fine. Their parents are divorcing and I was asked to take care of them while I also have to go to work.)