Waiting Can Be A Bit Boring Chp 108

#Aiden Pov#

I look down at Thor as he looks defeated and lost.

He is currently in an improvised interrogation room

It's been a few hours since he tried getting his hammer back which was a bit more dramatic as he cried when he realized that he can't lift it.

("Looking at the supposed god crying seems very underwhelming,") Said Jean mentally flying next to me.

("We haven't seen him use his power yet although it does seem muted I may say,") Said Hera in our minds

("You said that Asgard has halls of gold correct?") Felicia asked me to confirm

("Yes,") I told her in a suspicious tone contrary to how permissive I am of her going against people like Fisk or the Maggia I don't want her to piss off Odin just yet.

I also haven't told her I can create gold with my own Air magi. Which I am sure would desensitize her of gold forever though she prefers silver.

Not that I tried to keep it a secret.

("Interesting, Thor being this weak is rather frustrating, if what you said to me is something his family did to all Asgardians then I hate Odin even more,") Said Amora studying Thor's blood sample which I took from the hospital.

Amora, Hera, and Felicia are back home while Jean is next to me trying.

Serafall is making waves by managing the company I set up months ago.

Her experience in the company has been invaluable. I have been giving her around 60% of the profits after all others things have been paid off.

She is ambitious that is for sure

Her personality is also completely different from the manga.

She is more serious and obvious signs of PTSD with a hint of wanting revenge against the Knull of her universe.

I did look for Ajuka back in the universe and the timeline that she came in.

He wasn't there at all.

I tried going everywhere I could think of and spreading my senses but I could not find him which means he is in a different time period or he successfully managed to travel the time that was originally planned.

I would try to travel but the time laws in DXD are much more rigid in the way of time traveling and my Speedforce for all its power it is still new.

While I could make the trip there I would have to wait a while for the necessary energy to be made.

The OG speedforce has been around for an uncountable amount of time as well as different timelines and universes. My speedforce is barely beginning to affect this timeline it would take me around 80% of it to make the trip and I would be left with only 20%. Since my link is the time period where Serafall appeared I would have to travel there again for a stronger connection.

But that's the thing about time travel we just have to until my speedforce has enough energy to make the trips easily.

Serafall has been training when she has time and she understands that time is literally on her side. So she is taking her time to get stronger but she is not slacking off as she is experimenting with the magic from Marvel.

Mostly on the one, I offer to others.

At this point, energy from the Zone is being used by a lot of people.

I have gained a reputation for being generous with my energy and all I require is a bit more stamina than normal to use it. As well as a reputation of not being messed with since some have tried to abuse my magic for horrendous acts.

I made sure they fear and respect my name.

Especially with Victor's campaign against those who wished to control him which would have failed either way but I have gained his complete allegiance by not being an asshole and not trying to screw him over and him swearing an oath of friendship sealed the deal.

Right now he is making Mephistopheles forces his personal bitches he has already "killed" Blackheart permanently.

He made him his personal attack dog against Mephisto and many others. He enslaved him right down to the very concept of his existence by making him swear a series of oaths that have completely annihilated any chance of escape by finding loopholes in them.

This made me realize the true potential of Victor Von Doom.

I may have made things worse by giving him access to the huge amount of rare metals I have except a few of them.

When he is not doing that he is working on improving his country even more. Plus with connections to my company he has managed to set up some small businesses in America

We have begun to affect the world slowly but surely.

Although some idiots have finally shown themselves and they are the Friends of Humanity.

Thankfully, my reputation as Superman has managed to curb them down since they have begun trying to kill young children that have awakened their powers.

I showed no mercy to those people.

They were willing to skin a kid for being different if they want to act like animals they will be treated like animals.

I have made my position clearer by revealing plans to experiment and weaponize them.

Considering that I am saving every "mutant" that I can and taking them to Magneto and some of them to Emma due to mental issues with some of their powers.

I have not even given them the chance to try as I always get there before anyone else.

I already have plans of taking an uninhabited planet and terraforming it in the Zone and taking them there. They may not be wanted by normal humans but they are still people.

Emma particularly likes this plan more than Erik does as it will allow them all a chance to start over. The issue with this is that If I do take them is that it will leave the Earth mostly defenseless.

Some of them have been using their powers to help others but again regular humans don't like them very much and they get treated horribly. Some are persisting though and still try to help them hoping that if they keep trying they will be accepted.

Against my better judgment I have been secretly helping them out with funds or food and shelter should they need it alongside a little bit of healing.

If it gets too much for them I show up to help them with the situation while making sure of their intentions.

While in all honesty, I am no saint or even a true hero I try to help out as much as I can.

The strongest ones are barely alpha level while the rest are weaker.

On the other hand, I have been also looking into their X-genes, and though most of their powers are subpar and the few Alpha level metahumans that I found interesting are not all that powerful or useful for me.

I look at Thor as he begins to speak with someone in a blurred image in my sight but I just focus a bit more and I can see Loki clearly

He looks a bit like Tom Hiddleston and what I am assuming is his counterpart in AEMH.

But something seems a bit weird as even as a projection he seems to have an aura of power that seems to be "fighting" him.

("What's up with him") I wonder

Thor POV

I look up when I get the feeling someone is watching me

I thought it was Heimdall but then I see a mirage that I recognize as Loki

"Loki what are you doing here?" I ask him happy to see him but he just looks at me somberly

"I had to see you," He said

"Tell me is Jotunheim, let me explain to father..."

"Father is dead," He interrupted me

"What?" I ask in shock

"Your banishment, the threat of a new war, it was too much for him to bear," He tells as shame and disgust fill me for my actions

"You mustn't blame yourself, I know that you loved him, I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen," He says continuing

"So cruel to put the hammer within your reach knowing that you could never lift it. The burden of the throne has fallen to me now,"

Third POV

"Can I come home?" Asked Thor hopefully

"The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile," Said Loki

"Couldn't we find a way..." Began Thor before being interrupted by Loki again

"Mother has forbidden your return, she blames you for Father's death," Said Loki as some tears escape Thor's eyes

"This is goodbye brother," Said Loki

"I am so sorry," Loki said while Thor looks defeated. ashamed, self-hatred, and disgust evident in his eyes

"No, I am sorry, thank you for coming here," Said Thor trying to keep the tears at bay

"Farewell," Said Loki in sadness

Loki gives his back to his brother and as he walks he hears his brother

"Goodbye," Says Thor as agent Coulson enters the room

"Goodbye, I just got back," He answers confused

(N/A: Hello everyone I am still here. I wanted to answer some questions that some people have asked me and it's about permission to publish "my" story in other places. My answer to that is yes to everyone something that a lot of people don't seem to understand is that most of the information I use is already copyrighted.

Some authors may get angry if someone publishes their work on Wattpad or on Webnovel the thing is they have no actual right to complain since their "own" plots are already copyrighted.

For example, explaining Tony Stark's capture and implementing it in the story is already stolen. When someone puts in a complaint about a story that was copy-pasted they are looked at and if it is stolen there is nothing anyone can really do.

Unless the ones making the complaint contact someone from the site personally and explain who they are for example someone from Disney may make a formal complaint and boom. People wonder why Disney-related content on Youtube gets striked a lot. Newsflash its owned by Disney.

I don't know if some of you know about the Patreon story issues. They make money off copyrighted content and Patreon is getting sued to oblivion due to that.

Going back to publishing "my" story go ahead and publish it I really don't mind. I don't do this out of a sense of obligation I do this because I like writing a lot. Hell people have been asking about my gamer story. I have like 6 chapters around 3k words minimum I am not publishing them yet because I am going over them still and life is still being a bitch.

If you guys are wondering about publishing it do so if you want. If you feel guilty about it just put where you got it from and that's it.

I know some authors have quit because of this and the reality of it is they can't do much if anything at all. Heck, you want some examples: iamjusttryingtofindmyway, nutsofthechest, Anaklusmos14, Psyman21, YugiXtian, and so many more quit for this reason alone or they put it on to get money out of their work and they might even get in trouble for it.

In the end, none of us own the basic ideas of these characters except the mythological ones since they can't really be owned but that's a whole other story.

As I said before and I will say it until I get bored of writing which won't happen anytime soon. Take ideas from this story or remaster it if you want I don't mind in fact I would love to read your stories. Leave a review no cursing or anything like that just a pure honest critique of everything in this story. I assure you I will do my best as I have been doing

Take care everyone.)