Earth Attacked And Loki Falls And A Deal With A Stupid Trinity Chp 113


Aiden POV

Quite a bit has been going on lately.

Thor is on his way to wooing Jane Foster. My Eradicator came back after going to different stars. Amora has shown incredible powers not known to her before. She has obtained limited control over nature.

She can turn into animals and talk to them in animal form or not, control wood, water, earth, and to a lesser extent fire. According to Hera, she seems to have gotten the divinity of nature as one of her domains but she will have to wait for a few months for her domains to fully manifest due to Asgard's power drain.

She is really lucky to have gotten such powerful domains.

What are things in nature that most people can't even begin to fathom?

When she gets her full domains she may be able to do things like controlling gravity, black holes, suns, and anything that could possibly be related to nature.

This honestly made my imagination run wild. What about when we get to the world of Naruto? Will she be able to master sage mode in an instant can she reach even greater heights of power. Honestly, I am thinking of taking her to the DXD verse in order for her to learn their version of Senjutsu and anything else related to it.

Her other domain is unsurprising which is magic. Her power of it has increased a lot so much that in terms of raw magical power she rivals some low-level dimension lords. She also needs to wait for it to stabilize in order to draw its full potential. Possibly enough to rival

Right now I am in the fortress in an isolated dimension where I am having Zod test the different types of solar radiation that the Eradicator brought back while I wait for Thor to go back to Asgard.

"I seem to have all of my powers at a much weaker level," Said Zod flying down towards me after destroying some targets and flying around

"Yup, but it is still amazing that they are now permanent however it does have its small downsides," I told him as I noticed that he was panting and sweating a lot

"Rao will pay for what he did to our race," Said Zod as his eyes glow red before he falls down on his knees and hands as I help him up

I set him down on one of the chairs next to me and get him a water bottle and a towel to wipe the sweat off.

"So what is the verdict exactly?" Asks Zod

"Well aside from proving how much Rao or the Guardians possibly both screwed Kryptonians over quite a lot," I told him

"The energy from neutron stars is possibly the best at the moment since we still haven't tested the energy from Quasars or even the rare protostar energy," I told him

"Ok, so neutron stars have the power to charge us as if it was an orange star with the benefit of the powers becoming permanent even after the stored energy has been used," I said while going over the notes that I took and explained to Zod how his biology had changed. I made sure none of it went to me as I truly wanted to see how it interacted with Kryptonian physiology.

"I have a new theory based on this result as the energy that you absorbed changed your body to have your powers when there is no energy stored in your cells it uses whatever it can in your body," I continued

"This explains why you are actually tired now and your body seems different and the differences in your body are rather spectacular," I said as I showed him the differences he nodded at me as he does understand what happened to him

The energy from the Neutron star made his powers permanent as far as we can tell when he gets exposed to the energy from a yellow star again he will be even stronger than before.

The energy changed his body to have his powers as if he always had them. Even right now when he is being blasted by red sunlight radiation. He still has his powers. He can see at a microscopic level but his heat vision is the most notable one. It actually hurts his eyes and drains him really fast. His breath-related powers are fine for the most part. If anything he is possibly at the level of a Kryptonian of the Young Justice Universe Season 1.

Not bad considering this is his new base power now.

Yup, the energy from a neutron star for Kryptonians empowers the base form.

"Let's go out and see how a main sequence yellow star enhances your new power," I told him as we both go through a door and leave the fortress as we begin heading over to Mercury I can see just how much more powerful he is.

He crashes face-first into Mercury and as he gets up he begins spitting out dirt and rocks.

("It would seem that alongside an increase of base power comes a huge lack of control") said Zod as his eyes light up a red-orange as his face is set in a scowl and I can tell that he is trying to keep his senses from going haywire

("Let's begin") he says after a few minutes as he gets into a fighting stance and I copy him as we both begin using both Torquasm Rao and Torquasm Vo as we begin fighting in both a mental battle as well as a physical one.

We finish after a few hours of sparring with each other

I didn't even struggle against him it was too easy

His increase in power was huge in comparison to other Kryptonians

Before I got the Lightforce, and Darkforce, plus the Perfect Sentry Serum. He would actually have forced me to actually put in the effort. At the level, I am at now though...

He is like a child pretending to be a martial artist.

It's not all bad he is now one of the strongest beings in Marvel.

Sort of

Taking an unconscious Zod with me back to Earth while I think of the possibilities of the energy from other stars.

Neutron stars make the powers of a Kryptonian permanent and make them stronger at a rate of an orange star maybe even a bit less. Doesn't make sense but at this point, I am glad it does. I will have to figure out if gold Kryptonite can take them away at a later date. But it is not the end-all, be-all. (N/A: is that how it's used)

Imagine I have a power level of 100, receiving energy from the NS(NS is a neutron star). Taking in enough NS energy to raise it to 200 seems like a good enough benefit however, this does seem to have a limit to just how effective it can possibly be. By my estimations, it will only be as effective until I reach a power level of 100,000 in base then it will hardly increase at all losing its effectiveness, and reaching 100,000 will take some time. I have no idea how it will react to my adaptation.

(N/A: The power level thing is just an example since I am not using the power level system)

As I approach Earth I can see the light of the Bifrost going to Earth but it doesn't transport anyone as it begins to destroy the planet.

I open a portal to the fortress and send Zod in then I go towards where the Bifrost is hitting the Earth thankfully it seems as if Gaea is making herself useful as I can see her physical body erecting a barrier that is quickly breaking apart but giving me the few seconds in order to see where the blast is coming from and help reinforce Gaia's barrier.

In a few moments, I find Asgard tracing back the Bifrost blast and see it unleashing even more power.

It doesn't even dent the barrier I created but I quickly go over to Asgard and an I break the Bifrost.

Thankfully, it seems to be more reminiscent of the movies.

As the explosion begins to happen I just cover the area so that it goes into the mirror dimension.

I turn to look at Asgard but it seems blurry so I focus a bit more and see into the veil inside and I am shocked for the first time in a while.

Asgardians are in chains being dragged around like dogs by Frost Giants who are actually the size of the AEMH versions of them. (N/A: AEMH means Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes tv show) It looks like wintertime for Asgard except that the snow is mixed with blood.

(Why is Loki so small then) I wonder about this before I looked around for him and quickly found him in the throne room but I recoil in horror at what I see bodies piled up around the throne room with Heimdall's head on his sword's handle and his eyes glowing.

I begin to hear screaming coming from women and turn to look at the source of it and I immediately go and save them.

They are a huge group of creatures surrounding them with a yellow monster with red on his hands and legs plus his head


They weren't forcing themselves on them.

They were just torturing them

I could see one woman was being given a bloody eagle

In a few moments, I forced my way into the minds of every creature on Asgard and killed them all including Mangog who I killed with my sword. I moved around the entirety of Asgard getting the civilians to a safe place and making them sleep with a spell.

I go to the palace to confront Loki and in moments I am just a few feet away from him

He turns to look at me and I see light blue neon veins around him as his skin is dry so much that it actually peeling away.

"So, The God of Midgard is here, according to Odin's memories I expected you to be here sooner," He said mockingly with a bitter look in his eyes

"Is that what he believes? I am not god believe me in comparison to the real deal I am nothing not even speak of dust and that's me being generous," I told him in an emotionless tone while Loki's skin cracked even more

"All of your power and you don't do anything with it, look at me," He said while standing up

"The king of Asgard new ruler of all realms well except heaven but it will be mine soon either way," He said walking towards me while he summons Mjolnir to his right hand as it comes crashing a few floors beneath us while his right hand glows golden and the scepter is there

"You are not worthy of the power you possess it will be better in my hands," He says in frustration

"And you are?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow which made him smirk

"Of course I am worthy but for now I will just settle for making you my servant," He says while raising the scepter towards my chest in arrogance but I just quickly turn around and grab the scepter from him as the illusion goes away and I just rip off both of his arms as Mjolnir falls to the ground

"Impressive illusions it would have completely fooled me had it not been that I didn't hear a heartbeat or actually saw your skeleton," I told him as his power over illusions is not to be underestimated in some versions he can make real illusions that you can't attack but they can.

He goes flying a bit away as blue energy comes out from his stumps and grasps Mjolnir and the scepter as two energy hands appear

"Really," I told him

I go flying to him grab the scepter and send it to the Zone

The mind stone is now mine

I slow down as he tries to hit me with Mjolnir but fails as I just let him hit me once out of just how sad it looks and it does nothing to me.

He raises the hammer up and calls out a lighting blast which thanks to my domains I quickly reflect the blast out into space before it lands on the palace. He brings the hammer to his side while Gungnir comes flying into the room and he grasps it with his other hand and finally throws it at me.

I let it hit me

An explosion goes out before a breaking noise is heard and Gungnir the most 'powerful' weapon in Asgard goes down in multiple pieces.

I look down and see the many pieces of it laying on the ground as a light blue Mjolnir comes flying into my face and it just bounces back while multiple cracks form in it.

Loki just falls to the ground as he just stares in shock at what happened as his skin cracks even more

Tears begin falling from his eyes as he punches the ground

"Its not fair, It's not fair, after everything I have achieved how can you be this powerful," He begins to have a temper tantrum

("This Loki he is the one from the comics, the one that killed his younger happier self due to refusing to change his ways, he is irredeemable,") I quickly push those thoughts aside as I sense that he is trying to pull a Cell on me as he tries to make himself explode.

I just simply bring out my sword and cut his connection with Odin

Immediately the Odinforce leaves him and it goes back to Odin who breaks out of his casket as Loki dies from the power leaving as it was the only thing keeping him alive as most of his insides burned up.

He falls on his side as he turns to ashes

Odin gets on his feet as he looks at Loki's ashes with pure hatred and he just ignores me as he just blasts where Loki was in an attempt to get rid of some anger.

He turns to look at me before time slows down and everything around us seems to be losing color as three faces appear on top of the throne room

"Ok, what do you idiots want? I am going to be home a bit late tonight and I overheard my girlfriends talking about using some new lingerie that I haven't seen them in yet so this better be important," I told them a bit annoyed at everyone and excited for tonight

They just stared at me like I am an idiot but I just used my Time, Space, and Reality manipulation to make time go back to normal.

I was surprised to learn that there are other facets to my manipulation powers.

Such as most of them being separate for the most part.

"WE WISH TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU," Said the Vishanti in a bit of a hurry as time nearly went back to normal

"Why would you want to make a deal with me? You three also tried to control me?" I asked them

"We know but the issue is becoming greater and greater and The Living Tribunal is still stripping the one called Protege of his power after failing to copy his power," They said which made me think about it. Protege can copy anyone's powers the only way I can see that It failed was if TOAA made TLT immune to power copying

"What is the issue then?" I asked them which made them somehow appear more relaxed

"The issue is with the universe called 616," After they said that I groaned as they continued

"The ones called mutants are bypassing the laws of life and death one too many times and both the Phoenix and Lady Death are unavailable their multiversal realms are about to collapse and the sorcerer supreme refuses to step in. The Mutants will cause a multiversal cataclysm as the ones for that universe are using some Cthon's power in order to do so but the nature of chaos energy is causing an imbalance however there is not much Cthon can as the one known by Wanda Maximoff generates her own chaos energy, so we have deemed fit to make a new type of sorcerer supreme but one that watches over the whole multiverse however it will only be a temporary tittle nothing more so we have come to you in order to ask for your help," They said

"I will go in return you will let me traverse the multiverse freely," I told them what I wanted to which they quickly said yes

"Alright, take me there but I will deal with those idiots my way, and don't worry I won't make them cry too much," I told before I thought about it some more

"Maybe, I will teach them a lesson in humility," I said to myself knowing that with the Speedforce I am going to be back before dinner and excited to wreck their shit up. I don't even mind making this deal with them since I can now freely travel to any universe that I want in Marvel without worrying about messing with the multiversal barriers and pissing other dimension lords enough to piss me off and destroy a few universes.

(N/A: Sorry for the late update but I was enjoying spending my vacation with my nieces and nephew)