Giving A Helping Hand Chp 116

Aiden POV

I pay attention to this world's Peter Parker as he is attempting to kill himself. I quickly read his mind and what I see is horrible. The things this Peter went through are enough to make me want to punch this universe away.

Peter was hated by most of the 'superhero' community due to Doc Ock's actions. Miles Morales was killed by his enemies brutally after a beating that Captain Marvel gave him when she tried to arrest him. He died defending a now powerless Peter Parker who lost his powers and most importantly his connection to the web of life.

The reason that so many totems appear is that they have a natural connection to the web and due to the planet's population increasing all the time the number of totems is tied to the population on Earth.

A totem's powers need a trigger in order to manifest differently which is what the spider that bit him did in fact most of his bloodline on his father's side seems to have a strong connection with the web.

He lost his powers due to a Mephisto possessed Norman Osborn who damaged his connection to the web so severely that he lost his powers. Miles died protecting him from his villain gallery and Rio his mother blamed Peter. Mary Jane aborted and proceeded to give out like a half a penny whore in order to climb a corporate ladder and finally slept with Tony Stark.

Felicia 616 was killed by Fisk by throwing her into a grinder. His aunt betrayed him by selling his identity to Hydra in exchange for money. Jessica Drew is in a mental hospital being watched by Shield after one of Tony's mistakes caused her to miscarry twins. Cindy Moon is in a drug-induced coma after being captured by Skrulls who seem to be doing another secret invasion. His clones were killed against the inheritors. He was not reconnected to the web by Julia who is a terrible Madam Web due to her believing that everything wrong in the world is his fault.

He also found that his parents left him with his uncle and 'aunt' because they didn't want a son and wanted a daughter. No spy stuff or being killed by a corporation they just faked their deaths in order to abandon him. Flash Thompson is in space with the Guardians of the Galaxy and Gamora was killed after one of Captain Marvel's tantrums.

He also lost Parker industries thanks to a bitch who was being paid by Tony to make sure it lost so much money before purchasing it and buying and scamming Peter from his own patents.

Making him poor


"Oh, Peter," I said while I looked at Peter who managed to his wrists and was nearly done hanging himself at superspeed.

I quickly put him to sleep and lay him on the makeshift bed made of cardboard in an alley I made a decision that would affect the multiverse.

I healed him and quickly send him into the Zone to protect him as I went over to Symkaria

I am going to meet Silvija Sablinova as she is one of the only ones who seem to care for this world's Peter to the point to where I see that she loves him but in her condition, she can't approach him. She is also one of the rare few who knew that Peter wasn't the Superior Spider-Man.

In a few seconds, I am in Silver Sable's base of operations

An alarm goes off but I just ignore it as I teleport in front of her directly. As bullets slam against my face I made sure to catch them before they bounce somewhere else but I stop as I use it to practice my probability manipulation and then not even a single bullet hits her or even scratch her.

"Who are you?" She asks but I just ignore her and materialize a bed and bring Peter back from the Zone and lay him in it.

She gasps in shock before she stands up on wobbly legs and I analyze her and see that she has lung cancer.

She comes over to Peter and gets into his bed and lays his head on her lap.

She quickly leans over as her hand grasps a gun that comes out of the wall and aims it at me.

"What did you do to him?" She demands in a low voice in an anger-filled voice while her hand holding the gun is shaking

"I saved him, he was about to kill himself," I tell her and she drops the gun to the ground and she brings it to her mouth

"Y-you are lying he would..." I stop her by sending her memories of what Peter went through and how he tried to kill himself.

In a few minutes, she was relaxed as she ran her bony fingers through Peter's hair gently and lovingly as tears fell from her eyes slowly.

"Can you bring a bowl of water..." She began after a few minutes and simply summoned it and she nodded and began slowly cleaning the blood from Peter's wrists.

"I brought him to you because, in all honesty, you are pretty much the only one he has left in the world," I told her as I still considered a special offer I am thinking about

"I can cure you of your cancer and if you accept, bring you along to my universe along with Peter here as this world does not deserve someone like him. Before you ask I am bringing him with me no matter what he has suffered enough already," I told her as she began to open her mouth

"Why are you helping him or me? Usually, others would want something in return," She asks me

"Because I know the direction this world is going far more than I would like and someone like Peter doesn't deserve to die like this, he has done more than enough," I told her

"I accept, I have nothing left my country has been divided and taken over by others. I have no true family left and if this is a chance of being with the one I love, I accept as long as you explain who you are," She tells me and I proceed to tell her that I am a multiversal sorcerer supreme but I don't tell her that it's an empty title. Alongside me being an alien from another universe and another Earth

"Is there a Peter in your world?" She asks me after a few minutes to which I smile teasingly

"Hold it right there, my world's Peter is still in high school you cougar," To which she just blushes and looks down at Peter with a small smile. I don't read her mind anymore so I just get rid of her cancer and she begins to instantly breathe better and I give her some supplements I made in case something happened to one of the girls.

"So when are we leaving?" She asks

"Well for you it's going to be a few minutes for me I still have some stuff I need to get from this universe," I tell her as I quickly put her to sleep and sent both her and Peter in the Zone as I prepare to loot this world