Puppets Clamoring For Freedom Chp 126



"This is always going to be difficult and tedious isn't it?" I asked Selene as I manipulated the soul of a criminal that I caught.

"Yes, always, when manipulating a soul one must always make sure to go as slowly as possible," She answered looking over my work

I severely underestimated the true value of Uru

Someone like Selene could spend millions of years doing nothing but looking to get any amount of Uru but she would only barely manage to get a nail-size piece of it after selling her soul or something.

It's the same case with magical materials

Making potions, and advanced summoning rituals is the same case.

I have tried to recreate magical herbs through science but they only come out as normal plants or animals with no actual magical use.


Some of the Rituals that I would love to try are amazing

But, the materials are rare to the point of extinction

Unfortunately, a lot of the blame is on demons and the rest on humanity for abusing a lot of the materials without replanting them.

The heart-shaped herb that Wakanda has is not the only one of its kind though.

In Antarctica, something similar happened with its flora.

Except, that due to the actual size of the forest that grew around the meteor there helped a lot in the creation of some of those herbs.

Sure, none of the effects that they gave was permanent. It honestly reminded me of just how potions in video games worked after I managed to figure out how to make potions with them.

Some help, heal wounds faster with the downside that the more it is used and the body manages to heal the body will age. Other increase the strength and stamina of the user but the body goes through it in a few minutes. I did try to combine them of course but it's just a dead end for now.

I move a piece of the soul that I am holding away from the biggest piece of it and begin to shape it like clay. Be careful not to let it go back into the body without the modifications first.

I am just making him a better person

When someone goes through enough trauma no amount of therapy or even mind erasing can heal the scars that the soul goes through.

The mind is linked to the body and soul. When someone goes through a war it changes them not only mentally and physically but their very soul is scarred.

This person was sold by his parents for money which they used to buy drugs. He was sold into slavery to some African warlords. Before, being sold back to the US which he finally managed to escape only to turn to a life of crime and he became worse and worse.

Before, I got him he was about to kill an elderly couple because the husband bumped into him by accident. But, I knocked him out and brought him here in order to be my test subject plus if he dies I can just turn back time or resurrect him to a point before I started messing with his soul.

"You have progressed quickly," Said Selene watching from the side as I continue to work on the soul

This is my last test in order for me to have 'mastered' soul manipulation using magic

The powers of the Sentry are a whole other bag of issues

Even the 'perfected' version of the serum still has problems. My Sentry soul manipulation and magical soul manipulation are different. My Sentry soul manipulation is strong enough to create a new life and affect the soul of that life with absolute ease. Using it on other forms of life not created by me is much more difficult.

While magical soul manipulation is far more primal and more generalized. While both can achieve the same results given enough time. It's as if I am using two different ways entirely to achieve the same thing.

Using both empowers the other but the result, if I lose control of it, is much more intense and dangerous. Not to mention the sheer amount of lifeforce I have to use even for me. To manipulate a soul that is not created by me. Having to use enough lifeforce to essentially beat the willpower of the person.

Plus, having to constantly supply enough lifeforce to keep the target alive while messing with their place in the universe. Is actually making me a bit wary with how much lifeforce I am using as I can attract many beings to me due to it

Not to mention I get chills when I use to much for some reason

"When you mentioned that it was time-consuming you weren't lying but now. I am curious about one thing how can you actually heal a broken soul?" I asked her as she looked a bit perplexed

"Wait, is this why you gave me Uru in order to teach you?" She asked before she suddenly turned pale

"Who had his soul damaged to the extent of the soul being broken?" She asked in shock as I got a bit worried for Peter 616

"Why?" I asked her a bit curious since I know I can destroy souls if I wanted but it seems that them being damaged may be worse

She took a deep breath before answering

"While destroying souls is rather easy for beings of your level of power for someone to have his soul damaged instead of destroyed can be worse than death. When someone has his soul damaged long enough. Their damaged soul may even begin to affect their chances of going to an afterlife," She said while I wasn't really surprised that she met other versions of herself

I began to think about the afterlife that Peter might go to

("Nothing he won't go to any afterlife") I realized knowing that Peter 616 has no actual desire to continue to exist as I haven't been able to wake him up

Sable 616 is attending to him as much as she can but this issue with his soul is much more difficult than I first realized.

In a few minutes, I finished the soul cleansing I guess it can be called.

"You have such an affinity for magic. Yet you use it to help others a shame," She says going over to a chair and sitting down

"A shame why?" I ask her as I put the guy down to rest before sending him home.

"It's a shame that you chose to help those idiots even though they are not worth saving as sooner or later they will destroy themselves," She says while teleporting away

She's not wrong

I know how much of a failure humanity truly is.

Comparing them to Kryptonians, Skrulls, or even the Kree is an insult of the highest caliber to other races.

I am no longer human

My soul and body are not and my mindset is still changing.

When I sat down for the first time I felt like the shackles in my mind were gone not just for intelligence but it was as if my eyes were open.

I don't matter in the grand scheme of things and I am ok with it.

Getting stronger after a certain point what even is left for me anyway.

That's what I thought but then I learned more and more

I am becoming something else

I wanted to be Superman

Every human boy wants to be him

I understand why

He gives people hope

Hope for tomorrow

Hope for a better day

Hope that everything will be ok

I can't be a Superman that gives hope

The real Superman is hope incarnate

I have to become something else

I can help people better themselves with a single act of kindness at a time

But, I know what is behind the scenes

I see them playing with us

We are all puppets to parasites that ruin all of existence with predetermination.

The true creator gave everyone free will not an illusion to keep us docile

I am a puppet who can see the strings

I will become the puppet that will cut the strings

Superman is hope

Just like Batman is justice and Wonder Woman is truth

I have to be something like that

I have to become the embodiment of the free will that was taken from us

True free will

I will claim it

Not just for me

But for everyone

Everyone will get it if its the last thing I do