The Ruined Leftovers Chp 128

Aiden POV

I divide my attention to my body heading towards the DC multiverse.

It arrives a few moments later

I quickly adapt to its laws and my power seems to somehow resonate with this multiverse. I take a quick look at myself and circulate my power in me to verify

"Powers are alright. Now let's see what I find," I say to myself and as I look around I recognize where I am

Sort of

("This is the place where the fight began with The Darkest Knight's dark Supermen") I thought while I can see blood on the floor I quickly find the body of Saint of the last church superman's body

I note that his body has barely even deteriorated but the damage is visible

("Superboy prime") I thought to myself

I look around and try to see the blood again before I hear a pained whimper the only other sound of life I can hear with my limited senses as they are still improving due to this body being rather new and taking in energy from the orange sun.

I quickly go over to it while letting my sense go wild

I can hear everything here right now

I reached the whimper quite fast

"Krypto," I whisper as I see him missing all four legs alongside his tail was ripped out and strung up with a golden lasso that I recognize

His cape still on him

I turn upward and see Superboy's prime body strung up hanging as if to taunt Krypto

I set Krypto down gently and heal him

As soon as I heal him I begin using my biokiness alongside my matter manipulation to give him his limbs back

When he is healed he looks at me and begins growling and moves back slowly but I can see his tail between his legs.

I take my helmet off

I am not risking any type of exposure to the DCeased zombie virus

"Hey, it's ok now," I say while trying to reach the scared dog

I let out a golden glow filled with Yellow sun energy

It takes a few moments but he finally lets me hug him

"Hey, boy I can take you somewhere safe would you like to go with me?" I ask him while I am a bit wary of anyone else out there.

He barks and I quickly send him to my dimension

I look at Prime's body and cut him down

("He's dead as well isn't he,") Said Amora as she connected to me telepathically and I allowed her access to my sight and hearing

("Yes, he's dead,") I answered while I look over at Prime's body in wonder

I can tell just by looking at the cells that are keeping him together that he is incredibly more evolved than a typical Kryptonian.

I send his body into the Zone

("There is no soul in it but the body is still technically alive. I shudder to think if some demon got his hands on a body that powerful,") Said Amora which made me shudder too

Superboy Prime fought The Darkest Knight and would have won if not for the plot.

Superboy Prime at his base is a Silver Age Superman to near pre-crisis superman who can also make superpowers on the fly if he truly wished to. He never really explored his powers as far as I am aware.


("Kryptonians are not a warrior race are they?") Asked Amora going over a memory of Prime's genetic structure that I sent her

("Nope, they are an intellectual race. Not to say that there weren't noticeable exceptions but in general, a Kryptonian does not really care for conflict. Sure, they will defend themselves but they will usually prefer to solve things peacefully due to their apathy. Most of the time.") I answered as I let the Zone empower this body in order to stop playing around.

In a few seconds, I could see the entire planet or what's left of it anyway

("Are you sure you won't need any help?") Asked Amora worried

("No, if there is anything truly dangerous I am just escaping there is no telling what this multiverse may do in response to me being here.") I told her as I know the nature of the DC multiverse

It may try to reject me like it did Dr. Manhattan.

I look at the one remaining light in this multiverse

I peer into it as much as possible and see a blonde-haired man with golden wings.

He turns to 'look' at me and waves

I wave back at Lucifer Morningstar

He then proceeds to ignore me while the universe he is in completely vanishes from my sight and the rest of my senses

I am ok with it

I look up towards space for any signs of life and I see a figure in chains around a hundred lightyears away, someone that I recognize

I fly over and see Wonder Woman hanging in black chains with black smoke visible

She looks nearly the same as she did in the Dark Metal event. Except for the blue tips of her hair are golden with her eyes sharing the same shade of gold. With two wings coming out of her back. One brown and the other a metallic gold one. She has a lightning symbol on her stomach and a lantern ring with one half colored white and the other black. Her left arm seems to be a golden robot arm.

The chains are black with black smoke coming out of them at her feet I see an oversize Batman cowl with one of the ears bent alongside a purple hat.

("Batmite and Mr. Mxyzptlk") I realize

Wonder Woman lifts her head and looks at me

("She is really beautiful") Said Amora as I agree with her that knowing someone is beautiful in comics or by actresses shows just how beautiful a character actually is

"Who are you?' She asks in a dead voice

"Hopefully, a friend," I say to her while she looks at me in suspicion

"What happened here?" I ask her while she begins to get angry

"Who are you?" She asks again while I just make a dark grey Kryptonian skinsuit with no cape replace my no to techy armor

The Symbol of the House of EL is displayed

"How?" She asks while she looks at the symbol on my chest with tears appearing in her eyes

"I am not from around here," I answer while I repeat my question

I am not cutting her down yet

"I failed..." She begins but she stops to cry

"I failed everyone," She chokes out

She lost

"I know but what I meant was what happened to these two?" I ask again

"They tried to free me, as Darkseid had captured me and bound me in these chains. They were the only ones left other than me still alive every other being from the 5th dimension sacrificed themselves to rip The One Who Laughs apart together with the beings from outside the multiverse," She stops to sob a bit more

"They fought Darkseid who created an avatar that contained his full power and he took most of the power that was left in me to kill Batmite and Mxyzptlk but all three died in the battle," She choked out

"Why do you have wings?" I asked her after a few minutes of watching her cry

"One of the wings belongs to Hawkwoman and the other to Hawkman. I fused their wings into me." She answered as I am also curious about the ring

We stayed quiet for a few minutes while I debated on telling her that she can fix all of this if she truly wanted.

I said both the Life equation and the Anti-life equation to no avail. I haven't tried the Speedforce yet.

"Diana there is still a way for you to bring them all back," I told her while bringing in another body and sending it somewhere else to say the speedforce equation


This body of mine reaches a safe place to say the equation

As it touches down on a planetoid

"3x2(9YZ)4A=Speedforce," I say and I can feel something approaching me and what I sense is just sad

The original Speedforce is nearly gone

This surprises me as it connects with me and tries to connect itself to my speedforce, but I do something that I am not going to regret.

I take the rest of the OG Speedforce and assimilate it with mine which takes a few seconds.

"Finally, the true speedforce," I say to myself in awe as I can feel aspects that I was unaware my speedforce was missing until now

It felt amazing

I am generating it so much faster now

"So this is the power of the true Speedforce," I say to myself

Soon this body returns to the Marvel Multiverse


"How? The forge is gone and I don't have enough power in me to bring anyone back," She finishes

"The ring Diana from what I can tell you have both the Life-Equation and the Anti-life Equation in that ring of yours," I tell which shocks her

"What?" She asks

"Diana the Life-Equation and the White Lantern aspects of the ring will allow you to relight the forge and then use the other aspect to bring everyone back," I tell her

I know what the white lantern ring can do.

It managed to create the material the source wall is made from. Combined with the full life equation she can light the flames of the world forge. With the Anti-life equation and the black lantern aspects, she can shape the universes.

The reason I know all of this is due to the deal the TOAA made with me

He explained in detail that if I help Diana 'restore' the DC multiverse. He will give me a decent amount.

Said amount being the combined sum total of when the Justice League donned the Tenth Metal

(N/A: The deal will be explained when Aiden receives the Tenth Metal. Also, this Wonder Woman has the powers of Shazam although the gods are dead she only has a very weak variation.

The next update is for my Percy fic which is actually nearly finished.

Plus Aiden is going to have a fight soon

A good one

I hope

Also, remember the events that are happening in DC are also happening at the same time as in Ben 10)