Of Course He Is Alive Chp 130

Aiden POV

"Diana with the power of the RIng plus both equations you can restore your multiverse," I told her straight to the point.

"I don't even know how to even begin," She said while looking at me

I summon Anathema and cut her free and I watch as she lands face first

I chuckle a bit before going near her as she stands up

"The World Forge. You can create it and ignite the flames and use the remaining Tenth Metal from the old forge to give birth to new worlds," I said to her

She looked contemplative before she got a look on her face that told me she is going to be a pain

"What do you get out of this?" She asked while looking at me in suspicion

"I get to see new universes being born out of the remains of the previous ones. Also, because I want to," I said

She looked at me for a moment before she looked at Bat-Mite's Cowl and Mr. Mxyzptlk's burnt hat

I look in suspicion at that

Darkseid is probably still alive like the cockroach he is

("He is going to be there isn't he,") I say to myself

"Let's go then," She says while eyeing me in suspicion

I nod as I begin to follow her to the remains of the forge

("If Darkseid is still alive I may need to bring my original body here. This body still hasn't taken in enough energy yet.") I think to myself

I follow her to another part of the multiverse as I can hear her getting directions from the ring.

After, an hour we arrive at the world forge.

Or what's left of it

We fly down

As we step into the forge I can feel its power or rather the power it once held.

I look at the dead forge in pity

"Capable of creating worlds yet couldn't create something to defend itself," I say to myself

"We have to find the Tenth metal," I say to Wonder Woman as she stares at me

We look around for a while and all we found was a nail size amount.

Diana holding it in her hands as if it was the most precious thing ever

To her it probably is

My ear twitches as I hear heavy footsteps

"Diana use the rings alongside the memory of how the flames felt and let your soul guide you. Leave him to me," I said as I turn around and use my Concussive vision on Darkseid's omega beams

As our eye blasts connect Diana goes over to the forge to ignite it.

I am quickly overpowered as I feel an emotion I haven't felt in a while


I look at Darkseid and I realize this won't be an easy

He looks like a mixture of himself and his brother, High-father.

He also has a weapon that I unfortunately recognize

Nekron's scythe

I flew towards him while I summoned Anathema again and our weapons clashed shockwaves emanated from them.

I was pushed back and grabbed and slammed into the ground

I am smiling

("It's been so long") I thought to myself as this weak body heals and adapts to Darkseid's attacks

This is another reason why I wanted more bodies identical to the original one

Thanks to being linked to my dimension which is part of my soul. Whenever a body of mine adapts to something the soul link to the weaker bodies allows them to adapt to the same thing.

Having weaker bodies allows them to be harmed which in turn heals and adapts.

I get punched in the face but I just grab his wrist and throw him away a bit.

"Its been a while since I have felt pain," I said standing up

"Most of the time I just destroy everyone in my way due to me being prepared or just stronger than them," I said while flying closer to Darkseid while his eyes lit up and he blasted me again

"But, now I am going to have fun," I said with a sinister tone

He blasted me in the face however, I just absorbed it

While one of my bodies fought Darkseid's

The main body is on standby in case Darkseid tries to blitz passed the body and head straight to Diana

While the energy that is being absorbed is being separated into three different energies.

Darkseid's Omega Effect

The Piece of the Anti-Life Equation with in Darkseid's

High-Father's Alpha Effect

"The Omega effect from Darkseid and the Alpha effect are sort of similar," I note while separating the energies

"The omega effect and the alpha effect are both intertwined with their user's existence," I say in the Zone

"If someone has come into contact with the omega effect they will turn into manifestations of Darkseid, and the same case with the Alpha effect except they turn into High-Father. They are both sources of power that originated from the Source and then given form and shape by those two. Becoming what they are today," I smirk as I come to a realization

"Pure source energy allows a normal human to become a god. But, Uxas(Darkseid) and Izaya(High-Father) are new gods already. For them to take it in as they have they obtained far more power than any other new god. They were abstract beings before they took in the energy from the Source," I say while taking notice of Darkseid's energy

"Uxas must have had a piece of the Anti-life equation before gaining his Omega Effect. His apotheosis was much different due to that piece. Which is one of the reasons he desires the Equation so much. He merged with the piece of the Anti-life equation. He wants to be whole again. Uxas was the abstract entity for either evil or tyranny probably both before becoming Darkseid. When he took in the Omega effect he merged himself with his piece of the equation completely," I continued to talk to myself

"Darkseid was supposed to be completely equal to High-Father. But, he always had an edge against High-Father and it wasn't because of the plot. It was his piece of the equation that made him just a bit stronger" I finish while I destroy both High-father's and Darkseid's influence with their respective forces that my other body is sending to the Zone.

"If this evolving energy from the Source allowed them to become the powerhouses that they were," I said while teleporting out of the Zone as my weaker body was about to be stabbed through the head and lifting a finger to stop Nekron's scythe

"How powerful will it make me," I said while looking at Darkseid

I am not going to use it yet

There are still quite a few steps

Get the Tenth Metal from the Presence

Get the energy from all infinity stones on my universe

Wait for the X-gene Kryptonian body to finish assimilating all of the powers

Separate myself from the concept of Life and Death to achieve Amortality or go the Sun Wukong route and find a way to get a lot of layers of immortality

Obtain multiple sparks of divinity of my own and merge them

Create a system like the DXD GOTB did on his world of my own

Then I will use the Evolving Source effect on myself in order to achieve what High-Father and Darkseid did

Finally, find a way to give everyone true free will without any type of interference whatsoever

I punch Darkseid and this time blood comes out of his nose as it breaks and he goes flying back after trying to get past me to Diana as she nearly finishes making the universes

My other body glances at the 7 universes in her hands

Crystal balls with many galaxies inside them

I grab Darkseid's face and take him to the Zone and then I proceed to drain everything from him

He squirms and yells at me to stop

I am ripping his soul apart from his very existence with power from the Zone.

I claim every part of the Omega and Alpha effects energy

Darkseid at his core is made of energy

Also, I have already taken the piece of the Anti-life equation and I am using it to separate Uxas from his power

As well as High-Father's power

Sorry but you were mostly useless since you didn't bother to help Orion when he was killed briefly

I am using my Time, Mind, and Soul manipulation to do this.

My hand grasping his face is glowing an ethereal white alongside violet and yellow as black and white lightning appear.

I would be an idiot if I didn't take a copy of his memories only

Soon a green glow appears on my arm as the body that was in the DC multiverse went to the Ancient One and asked to borrow the Time Stone

I am not just ripping his power from him I am also turning back time for his body.

Uxas completely stripped from the Omega or Alpha Effect's floats uselessly in the Zone.

I am left with two floating balls of the Omega and Alpha Effect the size of the average galaxy-wide black hole

One an orange-red and the other a dark blue

The body that asked the Ancient One for the Time stone returns it and the process begins to separate the personalities from both effects

There were no consequences for doing this to him as the DC multiverse is pretty much gone and the remaining one is protected by Lucifer Morningstar and the Presence

I look to the side of the balls as golden energy begins to seep out and begin to form a new ball at a snail's pace

I lay back as the struggle was real

Uxas is still the god of evil or tyranny or whatever I just ripped the power that belonged to the source originally.

I go back to the DC multiverse and see Diana crying while holding the universes

"What's wrong?" I asked her while I already know what is happening

She looks at me while tears of frustration fall from her eyes

"I can't do this," She says choking up a bit

I look at the universes in her hands and the I clasp my hands over hers

"Of course you can't you are missing a piece of the Anti-life," I said as my hands glow white and It goes into her hands and the universes glow and begin to expand

They float above us and soon they explode into existence

I watch as if my life depended on it and I had on thought at seeing the rebirth of this multiverse

"Beautiful," Said Diana and I as we watched them grow