Repairing Chp 145


I look at the real infinity gems and the difference between these ones and the fakes is noticeable

The gems are releasing a lot more power than the stones themselves

I make the armor covering me to make placeholders for them and the moment that they are in I can feel the power that they have

"I can feel that," I say in awe

It feels like a sugar rush and the best part is, I can use them with no issues

I shake my head and focus on fixing my universe and in a few seconds everything is nearly back to the way it was

I am back on Earth in the fortress and quickly explain what happened to Peter and Silver

The girls come in and drag me over to have some stress relief

Once I am out of our room as I pretty much left them comatose, I go check on Doom and see him resting while enjoying some coffee time with his mother

Yup, he has freed his mother from Mephisto's grasp

I go to my lab after a month of being with my girls and set the gems to keep making more Nth Metal which I will then convert into Tenth Metal

I frown at that

Tenth Metal is powerful

Very powerful

But, I have discovered a weakness to it

It can't stay as truly pure Tenth Metal for long aside from my own which was given to me by the TOAA thankfully, staying as Pure Tenth Metal

It wants to become something else

Most of the time it turns into other metals and on some occasions, it has turned into actual stars by itself

And I don't mean yellow stars, no it turns into huge hypergiant stars that nearly collapse the dimension where I had The All-Box making more

I had to deal with a few dozen hypergiants and in the end, I was forced to place them out throughout the universe where some dead galaxies were

I would have destroyed them or turned them back into the Tenth Metal but I found something out

They are immune to the effects of the Infinity Gems and wasn't that a kick in the balls to the Marvel Multiverse

Heck, many beings even some abstracts have tried to influence the Hypergiants but they can't

I even saw a group of 1,000 Celestials trying to do so as well only to fail

I can affect them of course due to me being a well at this point I have no idea what I am, but since they originated from Tenth Metal something completely and utterly foreign to this Multiverse, they can't affect them at all

This is somewhat worse due to the fact that even when some Abstracta tried to warp reality they couldn't affect them at all

These Hypergiants might possibly be the most dangerous stars to ever exist in the Marvel Multiverse for one very big reason

They are just like the sun that orbits the Earth in three single categories


These stars are producing magic from DC and introducing it to Marvel

One has to remember that Lucifer Morningstar created the original sun which he named the Lightbringer power

These are similar to it and in just 2 weeks they have changed so much already

But there is one issue with that

Some Abstracta are pissed off beyond belief

Since they can't affect them in any way they have to let them be normal Hypergiants

From what I can tell Eternity is having an absolute blast with the stars due to them invertedly making him stronger and making this version unique compared to his other counterparts

Honestly, I am fine with him just being happy with me

Can't say the same about the others

Not that I am privy to much information now that I am no longer a dimension lord

It is rather strange now that I am not an entire dimension and have only my main bodies to deal with

When I took in the Phantom Zone I lost all of my stored energy reserves and thanks to taking in the energy of a quasar and my adaptation made it my 'base' form

Now without any energy stored, I can destroy entire universes if I want with absolute ease

But, now that my reserves are being restored by Earth's sun

I am pretty sure that I can destroy the entire Marvel Multiverse if I want to

Unfortunately, depending on perspective I am now qualified as a mortal even though the Abstracta are pretty much refusing to believe or admit it

Honestly, I can hardly even believe it myself

I can affect time, space, and reality itself with a single thought

I can see across space and time

I can move faster than a plank instant

I can create life itself and destroy souls

Thanks to my cosmic awareness which I am pretty sure is reaching hyper-cosmic awareness allowing me to see other universes from where I am

At this point, I don't think I have many ceilings left to climb

I am capable of creating technological advancements far beyond anything most beings can even imagine

Now, I have no idea where to go from here

I mean I can probably take in both the Omega Effect and the Alpha Effect/Astro Force now with little to no issues

I can only imagine how powerful they would make me right now

But, I can't bring myself to merge them into myself right now

I already have a lot to practice with adding both Effects to my very being

Perhaps I should take a break from getting stronger as my probes have reached the One Punch Man universe

I can only imagine how much I can learn from that Multiverse