Chapter 4

Jane had never managed a man like Dan before. She had made a bold move when recruiting him. She wanted someone to add a bit of drive to her lovely team of five, all of whom were a little too 'nice' and overly keen to compromise. Sadly, Dan really wasn't proving the right fit—he was rather similar to everyone else in terms of personality, but he lacked their technical competence.

It had been Dan's appraisal that morning, and it hadn't gone well. His technical ability on the design software was not great; his spreadsheet work was sloppy; his PowerPoints dull; his presentations lacked direction. He simply wasn't professional enough and she'd told him so. It had been a challenging session.

But Dan had one really important asset. He was hot. Jane often flirted a tiny bit with the women in the office—she did like women and had slept with a few over the years. She always enjoyed sex with a woman, either on her own or as part of a threesome. But she probably liked men a touch more. There was no getting away from the fact that given the choice of licking a pussy or a cock, eight times out of ten she'd opt for the cock.

As Dan left the meeting room at the end of the appraisal, Jane found herself staring at his butt. He may be a shit worker, but his presence did lift her mood. As he opened the door to leave, Dan turned. "I'm sorry I'm so crap," he said.

"I wouldn't go that far," she replied, trying to raise his spirits.

There was a pause before Jane smiled. "You're a nice guy. Everyone in the team enjoys working with you. You bring—how can I put it—a bit of sparkle to the office."

"Sparkle?" Dan reflected back.

"You're good fun to work with, you're easy on…" Jane almost slipped up. She corrected herself— "Easy to work with."

"I hope I don't come across as a bit flirty… at least you didn't say so in the appraisal."

Then there was a pause. An overly long pause, with both looking directly at the other's eyes.

Jane was still feeling a bit sorry for Dan. She had been harsh on him earlier.

Her empathy seemed to resonate with her employee and he smiled meekly. Jane returned the smile. If he wasn't so fucking hot, she might have avoided what was to follow. But she was currently experiencing a sexual drought and that was not good. Without the sex she craved, she began to think about fucking Dan. It was out of the question, of course, but in that fleeting moment, she could almost imagine sucking his cock. And she bet he was one heck of a fuck, too. Such wanton thoughts began to nudge Jane over the line of acceptable work behaviour.

"Well, I know I'm your boss, and I know that this is terribly politically incorrect, and I know I'm going to regret saying it—but yes, some of us enjoy those flirtatious moments." She hesitated, before adding: "And you have a very hot butt."

Playing along, Dan took a step further. "To be equally politically incorrect, your butt is pretty damn hot, too."

"Well, thank you," Jane replied. She knew she had a tight arse and the compliment was genuinely appreciated.

A slightly tense silence followed. Both had made a move if only a small one. But that line of acceptability had been clearly crossed. Things could have stayed as they were, and Jane could just have been able to make a retreat back to respectability and safety, had it not been for Dan making a seemingly throw-away comment that the last person who had complimented him on his butt had been a guy.

"A man?" queried Jane. "So, do you, are you…?" So, could Dan have bi tendencies like herself? His comment had really piqued her interest. She needed to find out more. But Dan wasn't giving anything away. "Do you… are you?" he came back, turning the question back on his boss and evading giving an answer himself.

Jane's professional discretion had now totally disappeared. The employer/employee boundary was no more. This was not a good position to be in and Jane knew it. But she couldn't hold back.

"I have to confess, I have enjoyed the company of the same sex in the bedroom on more than one occasion."

"Well," remarked Dan, "the guy who commented on my butt was also in a bedroom at the time. We were with a rather special woman who liked threesomes—especially with two men. She said she liked my butt and this guy said he liked it too."

"So, you like threesomes?" asked Jane

"Well, don't you?"

Jane realised that Dan was rather good at answering questions with questions of his own.

"I am rather partial to them," she replied, "especially if there's another woman involved."

"Have you had one with two guys?" Dan was still asking questions.

"Well, you have clearly," Jane replied. "And, yes, I have."

"What did you get up to?"

"The usual, I suppose…" Jane was now tempting Dan to ask more questions. She wanted to see how far he would go. She wanted to talk sex with him. She wanted to hear the detail, the rawness and earthiness of it. More than that—she wanted a fuck.

"In that boy, boy, girl threesome, did you have both of them at the same time?" Dan asked.

Jane grinned and nodded.

"Did you go as far as a DP?"

"Now that's quite a question to ask a lady, especially if she's your boss." Jane paused. She knew now that Dan was clearly up for it. He was every bit as sexual as she was. They did similar things. They seemed to have similar interests. They were both players. They both looked the part.

Jane sensed that this banter could lead to a sensational fuck. It would be totally out of order, of course. But what the heck—she had gone way too far already. She was bloody horny and no way was she going to stop now.

"You'd be pretty hardcore if you did a DP," said Dan, hovering on the topic. Clearly desiring more from Jane.