But Jane was now the one holding back. She said that they'd leave it there but suggested that they meet again at the end of the day once everyone else had left the office.

Before they vacated the room, Jane, tongue very much in cheek, added:

"Of course we need to agree on your key performance indicators for our evening meeting otherwise it wouldn't be very professional."

Playing along with her Dan agreed: "Well, that goes without saying. Can we also agree with the main objective, along with any secondary ones?"

"Well, Dan," began Jane now playing the boss and putting on an overly formal managerial voice, "your primary objective is to fully meet my needs."

"Fine. I'm keen to do exactly that. Could you be more precise," came Dan's reply.

"Well," continued Jane "I'd like to be satisfied more than once." Her managerial tone began to slip into a more cheeky one. "Naturally, we are talking ladies first. And there's a special bonus if I come more than once."

"I thought a good developmental point," she continued playfully, "would be the opening moves. I would like to see you take more control and show authority."

Dan nodded. "I think I can manage that."

"Good," said Jane with a smile. "So, I will be expecting you to take the lead from the very outset and clearly guide me through the whole session." Then dropping all pretences and any hint of being the manager—either in actuality or in play—she continued, "Oh fuck it, Dan. I just wanted you to fuck me. And I really want you to do it in a really specific way. I'm basically a sub, so take control. But I'm a bit more than just a sub. I have very specific needs. I know that sounds rather contradictory."

"It's fine," reassured Dan.

"OK then. I'm going to spell it out. My butt needs a lot of attention. I do like being licked from behind and any tongue on my asshole will be particularly appreciated. I like to suck cock, too. For quite a long time. And I'd like to start with my clothes and you to strip me naked. But take your time. Do it slowly. I want to have nothing on right at the end, apart from my shoes. Leave my heels on please."

"You are a demanding boss," came Dan's retort. Smiling, he added, "Don't worry, all of that sounds bloody great."

And with that, they left the room and rejoined their colleagues in the open-plan office.

That afternoon the two enjoyed some light, anticipatory banter. When Jane came up to Dan's workspace, she asked if he was on top of the figures for tomorrow's pitch. Dan replied that he was confident that he hadn't made any cock-ups.

There was a bit of physical flirting, too. The most blatant of which was in the kitchen, when Jane was caught in the doorway as Dan walked in. She had two mugs of tea in her hands, which she held out to either side of herself to avoid them spilling. This had the effect of pushing out her breasts, which Dan, mimicking her stance with his empty mug, brushed against with his chest.

By the time their last co-worker had left it was nearly six o'clock. Jane walked past Dan's desk, making sure her tight butt in that tight black skirt rubbed up against his back. Looking over her shoulder, she said: "Dan, I think it's time for meeting number two."

Jane was gambling her career—her future, on this fuck. Though she was heady with excitement, the feeling was tempered with more than a touch of anxiety.

She pulled the blinds shut in the meeting room, but left a tiny bit open so she could check on Dan. Unaware that he was being watched, Jane saw him put his hand down his trousers, clearly enjoying a growing hardness.

As far as Jane was concerned, she was desperate for that fuck. She sat at the desk and could feel her pussy moisten. She slipped a hand into her knickers to check. There was a welcome dampness on her lips and she rubbed them gently, teasing out more juices, which she gathered on her fingertips and used to lube her clit. The door handle moved and she pulled her fingers back, and popped them in her mouth, adopting a pose of thoughtfulness while also savouring her own taste.

Dan sat opposite her. "So are you going to help me perk up my PowerPoint? Can you give me some tips on how I should strip down my spreadsheets, and also help lick my presentations into shape?"

"Well, Dan, I could certainly do that. There's no doubt all would be great for your personal development plan. But I thought a fuck might be both more productive and more fun." With that Dan crossed over to Jane's side of the table, bent over and kissed her. He was a good kisser, and she really liked the way he licked her tongue.

Jane was hungry, she wanted to get his cock out and eagerly undid his belt. His cock sprang free and to her complete delight, Dan was on the big side—good length and a magnificent girth. Beyond perfect.

She closed her lips around his helmet and started to flick her tongue around his frenulum. God, it was so good to feel a cock in her mouth again. She started to bob up and down while pumping and twisting his considerable shaft with her hand. She loved that firmness in her grip and the feeling of fullness in her mouth, those salty early emissions—fuck, he tasted good.

Keeping her eyes on Dan, partly because it made her even hotter to stare at her lover while she fellated him, but also to ensure she wasn't going to push him over the edge too soon, she worked on the tip of his prick. His reactions were clear—this was his key spot and he was loving it.

After a good five minutes of the most magical sucking, Dan took control, kissing her and then turning her around and placing her face down on the table, her arse bent over the edge. He slipped off her knickers and kissed her bottom. While there was real tenderness in his actions, she sensed an urgency coming.

His face sank between her cheeks and his tongue found her rosebud, rimming her teasingly before he moved down to her pussy. She was dripping and his mouth was oh so welcome. He darted from lips to the clitoris and a delicious tension built in her cunt.

Dan put his hand to her face and she greedily sucked on his fingers. But she needed more. She needed that cock to penetrate her. And she was pleased when Dan made his next move. He stood up and kissed her.

She tasted her own juices on his tongue. As she was savouring them, he pushed his fingers deep in her pussy.

He was building up a lovely rhythm and then he probed deeper with his digits and located her G-spot. Rubbing gently on this incredible spot pushed Jane further towards her orgasm. But she didn't want to come yet. She needed that huge cock in her pussy.

Her wait was over as she finally felt Dan's thick prick nudge at her entrance then slide into her wetness. She took his full length and clenched him tight, squeezing him and building her own pleasure around him. He soon started pumping and grinding. Jane loved feeling his midriff slap against her butt.

He pulled Jane up to standing and hugging her close, he was now able to penetrate at an even more acute angle.