Chapter 12

Ziah was lying in the floor without her top. Some bandages are scattered near her. It seems that she fainted without finishing tending on her bruises. He walked towards Ziah and held her carefully. He then carried Ziah in the bed room and examined her quietly.

'This damn girl! How did she manage to keep this to herself?!', he 8thought. Both of her arms have bruises which are starting to swell. It looks like she got hit on her side as she have a big bruise there. He look at her legs which are exposed from the shorts that she's wearing and found marks of bruises as well. 'It seems that she got hit pretty badly. Why didn't I notice? I should have known since she fought with five men!', he decided to bring Ziah to the hospital but before he can do so, Ziah started to regain her consciousness slightly.

"Le-lello.." he heard her weak voice calling her name.

"Ziah! Thank God your awake. Don't worry, I'll bring you to the hospital.", he said and prepared to carry her.

"N-no...", he stilled as he heard Ziah.

"What? But you have to be treated."

"I-I'm fine. Please do not bring me there." Ziah was struggling in talking because of the pain that she's feeling.

"Please, I m-must not go t-to the hospital..." those are the last words that she said before she suddenly lost her consciousness again. Lello heaved a sigh, he wanted to bring Ziah to the hospital but it seems that she's very determined not to go so he hesitated. After a few minutes of weighing the situation he just decided to tend to her wounds and bruises.

After putting some bandages to her bruised body, Ziah suddenly became restless.

"P-please stop. D-dont do this.", Ziah murmured at her sleep as beads of sweat came out of her forehead. "Please help me, somebody, please help me..." she said as she raised her hands in the air as if trying to grab something and tears started flowing on her face. Lello felt her pain, ge suddenly wants to ease her pains.

"Shhh.. I am here. Don't worry, I'll protect you.", he said as he grabbed her hands and enclosed it with his own hands. Ziah slowly calmed down and went back to sleep.

Ziah woke up with the wonderful aroma of breakfast coming outside her bed room. She roamed her eyes and was relieve to see that she's on her own room. She tried to get up but she felt her body sore. Her whole body is aching and she felt very weak. She lay back to the bed, closed her eyes and tried to figure out what happened to her.

She remember going home home from the hospital and took a cold shower. She was tired and aching all over and all she wanted to do was put some bandages on her bruises and sleep. She look down on her body and saw that she's wearing the same clothes that she wore after taking a bath, her bruises were also properly taken care of. "Did I do this myself? But all I can remember is me standing in the living room while holding the bandages.", she frowned.

"So, you're awake now.", Ziah looked at the door to see who is her company.

"Lello, what are you doing here?", she said confused.

Lello raised his eyebrows and glanced at her bandaged bruises.

"Were you the one who treated me?"

"Apparently, yes.", he gave her a soft smile and placed the food tray that he is holding on the bedside table.

"Why did you come here? How did you get in?", she asked.

"Please, one question at a time. You have to eat your breakfast first. I'll xplain it to you while you are eating." He sat down on the chair beside her bed and placed the bowl of soup on her hands.

"Can you eat by yourself? Or do you want me to feed you?", he asked worriedly as she has bruised on both her arms.

"No, I can manage, it doesn't really hurt that much.", She took a sip from the soup and glanced at Lello who is intently staring at her. She cleared her throat to get his attention.

"So, woyld you like to answer my questions?"

"Oh, y-yeah. Ofcourse.", he looked at her like as if he just woke up from a dream.

"When Nally woke up last night, she asked me if you are also confined in the hospital. When she found out that you were not there, she beg me to come and look for you to see if you need medical help."

"Why would she do that?"

"Well, my sister maybe blind, but her senses are heightend because of this, so she figured that you might be injured since she heard you whimpering out of pain when you were carrying her on your back.", he pause and took a napkin and cleaned Ziah's lips.

"So she beg that I should come and check on you. I was lucky to find your apartment correctly, I kept on knocking on the door but yoy weren't answering so I tried the knob and your door was not locked. That's when I saw you passed out on the living room with all that bruises." Ziah looked at Lello as he was speaking, she tried not to but it was hard to restrain herself from looking. It just that Lello's smile looked so good and as if, it wanted to melt her heart.

"So, how are you feeling now?" Lello asked her.

"Oh, I'm fine now. Its just that my body felt unusually weak today."

"You had a high fever last night, I wanted to bring you to the hospital but you were against it, so I just treated you here."

"Did I wake up last night?"

"Yes, after I brought you to bed, you woke up and told me not to bring you to the hospital. You insisted on staying home before you pass out again."

"Did I say something during mysleep?", Ziah asked. Her eyes on the bed and her hands clasping the comforter tightly. Lello can tell that she was very anxious. Ziah looked at Lello, waiting for his answer but then looked away again.