Oh Brother! (1)

Sebastian sprawled beside her on the bed and cuddled her sleeping form. Clara gets startled and struggles to get out of his hug. ‘Clara, it’s me. It’s Baz, you’re okay.’

When he hugged her, his intentions were innocent, he just wanted to cuddle. All he wanted was to bring back the time they had that morning. What he forgot was that Clara still has this underlying issue of freaking out when someone hugs her.

Her heart was beating so fast she fought hard to breathe. It took a few seconds before she calmed down. It was just Baz trying to hug her. She kisses his hands and turns to face him.

‘Babe, I’m sorry if I scared you.’ he caressed her face with worry in his eyes.

‘I’m okay. Was that your dad you were talking to, outside?’’ she asked.

‘Yeah, I had to fill him in with what was happening. I know he’s worried, too. But we talked it out, and I think I know what to do.‘