Oh Brother! (2)

‘Get away from her!’ Baz commanded as he tried to separate his brother from Clara. ‘She’s mine unless you want me to break your bones.’ Clara felt like everything around her was happening in slow motion. ‘Mine,’ she smiled as Baz protectively hugged her close, ‘that has a nice ring to it.’

‘What’s your name, beautiful?’ Ethan asks as she peeks from her boyfriend’s embrace.

‘I’m Clara, and I think your brother is more handsome,’ she says, smiling up at Baz and kissing him on the lips. ‘And yummy,’ she whispers into his ear as she nips at it.

Baz could not help himself, as he kissed Clara with the intensity of a man thirsting for water, not caring if they had an audience. ‘Serves him right,’ Baz thought, ‘for interrupting us. Let him watch how it’s done.’

By the time the lovers came up for air, Ethan had gathered enough evidence to prove their relationship was not just one of his brother’s flings. He even took a picture of them kissing to blackmail Baz with later.