Capítulo 1

Hershey !!!!!! I woke up because someone called out my beautiful name.

What! I said boredly

Get up now! It says angrily

I'm still sleepy I said also covered with a blanket.

Get out of my room I added.

Fine! If you don't want to get up I'll cut your credits threatening it to me.

I immediately stood up and let out a sigh before staring at him.

Ughhh! When I grumbled, I heard it laugh.

He is so annoying, I hate being her sister.

He always says that my credit card will be cut off because he is the one who gives it.

After I took a bath I went down to eat breakfast.

He always blackmailing me.

Whatever! I said and stared at him.

Come with me, you may not go to school again, he said.

I just nodded because I can't do anything.


My older brother Nico and I are already here at school and we entered the room at the same time and as usual the girls was overacting it looks like they got rape.

The screaming stopped when Ma'am Dina came and she started teaching while I was just wearing my air pods. It will never be noticed.

My bitch Bessy, Sandra, is very close to me, she said she will tell me something later.

I just stared at him because I have no intention of listening to him.

We also finished a whole day and went home time to relax even though I had been relaxing for a while

Hey brother me and sandra are going somewhere, I just accompany her.

Ha? Eh No- He never finished He will say because I kicked him and widened my eyes.

yeah yeah she said forcedly.

It will not work anymore sister, come with me he said and pulled me out of the classroom

What is going on my mind?

My older brother and I just walked to the gym

Wait do not say

Wait for me we will just practice.

You're annoying why didn't you say right away? I scold him

You are not asking, he said with a smile.

Wazzup bro He greeted His friends while I was just behind Him frowning.

Because I was annoyed and I just went to their tambayan.

They have a hangout here because his friend owns this school.

Their tambayan is also like a room but you see Those who play basketball have an electric fan that hangs there is also a tv It has a mini refrigerator I know no one else can enter here but they are troopers.

I sat down and took cold soft drinks while I was drinking. I could see my older brother's troops looking at me.

What? I will speak to them calmly

Whoa You're sister is very pretty said Charles

I know right I said as I flip my hair.

Yea and my older brother is ugly I don't know why? Maybe he is adopted

I saw the frown on His forehead.

I just mocked him. I can see the annoyance on his face.

They started to practice and I just lay down here and put my airpods on my ear, I will sleep first, maybe they will take a long time Because their leader is not there yet.

[Fast forward I guys ah.]

WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? a loud shout woke me up.

I got up and rubbed my face, looking at Who The Strike Earth woke me up.

When I look at It OHMYHOLYCOW there's a GWAPO in the area as in G-W-A-P-O really.

Are you done checking me? Its a sarcastic tone.

I-n not checking you I said stuttering.

Really? Then why are you sttuttering? He said with his eyebrows still raised.

I did everything I could to keep from stuttering and thank God I did.

Whatever! I said and raise my eyebrows

What are you doing here? And how did you get in Here? Its a question.

First I entered the door and then I fell asleep. Didn't you see me here?

Don't fool me idiot he said in sarcastic tone

Me? Idiot? I was about to answer when my brother Came

Hershey he called me

Bro You're here he said, btw this is my sister hershey he said and this is Paulo as he introduced me , So the name of this god- this ugly creature is Paulo .

He just looked at me and quickly sat down, how can I let him know how ugly he is.

Bro, I'm going to give this medicine to my brother first, eh. You know, my older brother said while hugging me.

I just stared at him and his troops Charles and Adam also laughed.

I removed my older brother's hug from me and walked away annoyed. Because I'm with my older brother, will you make me crazy like WTF !!

Hey, are you angry? Ask brother.

I just passed It and went straight to the car I have no intention of making fun with him.

My older brother did not talk to me anymore because I slept in the car and when I got home I took a shower and ate dinner.

Thanks for being able to beauty rest as well as being very tired today.

I lay down on my bed and thought about things, until I realized that I was being drowsy.