Capítulo 2

Hershey's Pov

I am here now at the NEON NIGHTS BAR having fun and yes I escaped my older brother

Sandra he was there on the dancefloor while I am here next to him drinking tequila.

I sipped my tequila and went to the dancefloor to dance, I also rolled my eyes but I didn't care as long as I just wanted to dance until I just felt that someone was holding my waist I was just shaken boys will be boys continued I was just swinging and later I just felt that He was holding me down so He held me so I immediately walked away and stared at him.

It just smiled at me and whispered to me "DON'T GET CLOSE" I walked away but because he was strong He brought me closer to him I smelled The smell of his wine I tried to get rid of but I could not, I used all my forces to get away but His grip is really too tight.

"Pervert" I sighed as He brought His lips close to my neck.

"Get off me" I added, rolling my eyes until I saw that The man holding me was already on the floor.

I look up but I can not see Who It Is until my vision is completely dark.

Paulo's POV

I'm here at the bar alone, I'm surrounded by women Here at the bar until someone approaches me.

"Hi babe miss me" He said softly.

I just frowned at him because I did not know him.

"Oh it's me Steph" he said.

Wanna play she said wearing a seductive voice.

I just stared at her and quickly dismissed her, I don't have time for her now.

"Leave" I said emphatically

SHe frowned again and hurriedly left.

Until I was aroused by the sight of the woman dancing in the middle.

She looks familiar

I just watched her dance until someone approached her.

A man She turned her back on me so I could not see the face.

I stood up where I was and when I got close to them I saw the woman backing away and facing the man she was trying to get away from the man and I saw the woman face it was Nico's sister I immediately approached them as the man brought her mouth close. On its neck I do not know what happened to my hand and I suddenly punched it, The woman looked at me and scanned me after that she suddenly fell, I immediately caught it, and carried it to the car.

Tsk Such a naughty girl


Hershey's POV

I woke up as if something was heavy in my chest, I immediately woke up when I saw my companion's hand resting on my chest.

My head is too heavy and in pain.

I look at the infront of me and my eyes widen at what I saw.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted at once and immediately stood up and pulled a blanket.

I caught His attention and He woke up and rolled His eyes.

What did you do to me? I asked angrily.

He just looked at me blankly.

"Nothing" he said boredly


It smiled.

Nothing happened to us and don't worry I won't type it.

I breathed a sigh of relief but I still couldn't get my mind off why I was wearing only a bra and panties.

Then why did I not finish what I was going to say when he answered It.

You're drunk and You Vomit that's why I remove your dress, but don't worry I cover you with the blanket while I remove your dress long explanation of it and then go to the kitchen of His condo.

While I went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I checked my phone and my eyes widened at what I saw.

534 missed calls

986 texts

What the? brother will kill me I hissed

I hurried to the kitchen to talk to Paulo.

Hey! It grabs my attention.

It just looked and went back to what He was doing.

You won't say this to my brother, will you? "I asked seriously.

It looked first before speaking.

"I'll think about it," he said

What? I asked in shock

"Please don't tell" I begged.

"Please" I was still scratching

"It will be early if He catches you and you will be dead but if you leave before he arrives you will be safe."

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? My older brother come here? I asked in shock.

He just nodded.

I hurried out but before I could finally go out was.

"THANK YOUUU" I chased and quickly ran out of the CONDOMINIUM.

I immediately took a taxi and went straight to sandra's house.


Hey Where have you been? sandra asked me .

Ah eh at home I slipped.

What at home? Eh, your good older brother is asking me where are you, she said.

We were just together last night at the bar and then I saw you were gone, you left me there. She said angrily.

Ah k-kasi utal kong Sambit.

What? He asked as if He was expecting me in His opinion.

l told Sandra what really happen because I can keep secret to her

OMO did you sleep there at paulo's house? She said shock

I just nodded.

Correction C-O-N-D-O as I said.

Omgosh your lucky she said while shouting

Me lucky and why would I? I asked innocent

If my brother asked where I have been last night, tell him I was with you if you want me to be your friend I said to her.

after a second my phone rang so I answered it .

Hello I said on the other line.

Where the hell are you earlier I called you . he said angrily

Here at Sandra's house I said as if nothing bad happened

He says you don't seem to be there,

Hershey Nishita don't lie to me he threatens me.

I was with her, we finish are project.

Ok fine you Go home if in the one who got home first day bye bye to your credit he said and hang up the phone.
