1. System and Me

Jae Woon manages to cry himself to his sleep. He curls his shivering body on the cold and filthy floor as this room didn't have any necessary furniture. Forget about a spacious and comfy bed in his old world, this body didn't even have a single blanket to cover himself and he always sleeps in this pitiful condition since he is a small kid.

No one ever reaches their hands towards him, nor anyone feeling anything when looking at his miserable state. They will laugh, ridicule, and torture him in any fashion that suited their taste at any given time they get. For them, he is their special punching bag, and his life is only worth that much. He is what you called dead baggage in these places.


Jae Woon is once again jolting up from his sleeping state. He almost bumped his head to the broken drawer beside his body as he scrambles of from the floor and sits in a squatting position while eyeing his surroundings suspiciously.

What the fuck is that loud thudding sound? Where is it coming from? Can you let me off to sleep in a peaceful condition, for once? The first time, the pompous brats rudely waking him up from his sleep by dumping a bucket of smelly water all over his body. And, right now, he only managed to sleep for ten minutes before the loud sound successfully incurred his wrath. This time, who dare to disturb his sleep?!?

(Hic...Good mor...hic...ning, host!) A suspicious blue energy ball is rolling around lazily on the dirty floor, with its eyes is clouded in drunkenness. Shades of pink tints are visible on both of its cheeks. And, gosh, the alcohol stench is too strong for his own liking!

What the fuck is this blue-like ball thing that shamelessly rolling around like some sort of caterpillar in his drunken state and boldly intruding his humble abode? And, did this thing called him, host? He is not mistaken, right? He heard such a thing from Da Kyung before. About transmigration story and system. Well, he also had his own fair share of reading about such genre, but, he's more into sports, action, and adventurous comics. While, Ryan, that lecherous bastard only read shoujo manga as he is only interested in the female characters with big breasts, beautiful appearances, and their stunning figures, not in the story itself.

[The trio, Ryan, Da Kyung, and Jae Woon were in the same club during their high school year, a manga club, that's barely maintained its existence with a minimum number of its members.]

Jae Woon approached the blue energy ball carefully. He poked the ball's puffy-like cheeks with his finger. When he didn't receive any audible responses from the energy ball, Jae Woon bravely groping, pinching, and stubbing its body around.

Oh! He was mentally amazed. This is quite nice to touch. Like a mochi.


Jae Woon ashamedly clutched his bloated stomach as the blushing on his face is becoming prominent as time ticks by. He's hungry. The last thing he eats is some snacks from his favorite cafe. The snacks sure are a mouthful, but, they are unable to make himself full, to the point he didn't need any other food.

Jae Woon is afraid to venture beyond his room as his knowledge about this world is limited, and from the harsh treatment he received before, this body is hated by any person out there. Going outside is proved to be an arduous task, and he is not a brave person.

Among the three of them, Jae Woon is the most unreliable one. He is a scaredy-cat, a crybaby and he hates insects especially the crawling ones more than anything else in this vast world, despite his tough look and cold appearance. He always hides timidly behind his two smaller friends when the other kids are mocking and bullying them in the past. He also dislikes violence.

Jae Woon himself is famous in his neighborhood as some pompous and fragile prince, even though he never acted like that. His tall stature is attracting other kid's attention, and they are ridiculing him by calling him various bad names, such as beanpole, a stick and the worst one were...Jae Woon refused to remember the nickname. He should forget them and focused on the situation in front of him.

"Hey, Mochi." He decided to call this weird thing Mochi since he didn't know its name. "Wake up. Stupid Mochi, wake up!" Jae Woon lightly smacked Mochi's smooth and soft cheeks.

(That's hurt!) Mochi opened its hazy eyes as an annoying feeling is visibly depicted on its round face. The system flew up and hovering in the air while looking around dangerously at its surroundings.

This system is feeling irritated and angry due to its hangover.

(Who the idiot that shamelessly groping my round and beautiful body? Do you perhaps, are seeking a fight to the death with me?!)

Jae Woon stared at the round ball shockingly. Mochi seemed innocent, but, its unexpectedly, short-tempered and had a narcissistic personality? This is why people always say, never to judge a book by its cover. You should never judge other people based on their outer appearances only.

Hah...once again, he is forced to remember his good friends. How he missed them badly right now. Tears are brimming in his eyes, and he keeps blinking them to stop his crying streak.

Han Ryan, with his innocent face, you cannot hold a candle when competing with him in terms of mischief and rudeness. Lee Da Kyung might be mistaken as a gentle, lovely, and tender girl, but, when she opened her mouth to curse, you'll die of regret and shock. She had a poisonous tongue and she had won any arguments out there with her specialty.

(Oh my god! What kind of monster are you, host?! The face is too hideous! You almost give me a heart attack just now!) Mochi exclaimed exaggeratedly. Its eyes bulged out in disbelief because of the stimulating appearance of its host.

Jae Woon's face turned green. He is slowly standing up and search for some hidden corner in the small room, and sitting there quietly, growing mushrooms at an unbelievable speed.

His body is exuding a gloomy aura and dark energy is seeping out and dispersing on the air, as it started to distort the space around him. Mochi saw how the dark energy is affecting the dimension and suddenly, a stern warning is being issued to the system from the higher up.

Mochi smacked its mouth. Damn it, me and my loose tongue!

(Shit! I'm sorry, host! Forgive my rudeness, please! Your face is not hideous, host. Don't worry! I'm a mighty system, and I can change your appearance to normal soon.)

Jae Woon glances at the system sullenly. He is clearly didn't trust Mochi yet as the culprit who thrown him into this piggy is that stupid energy ball. Not only that, while he was cruelly deserted into this strange world, he is also being left alone without any support, experiencing the helpless feeling of abandonment, and was drenched with water that smells like poop for the first time in his life!

"Really?" He asked.

(Of course, host. And for free! I will not charge you anything. Believe me, host! Please stop exuding those dark energies from your body, okay? At this rate, the world will realize a foreign soul is intruding on its territory and we will be receiving terrible consequences!) Mochi is begging in its most desperate tone. If they get thrown out before accomplishing anything, both of them will be punished severely! And, this mighty system might be reverting back into a normal, and ordinary system! No, the hard works of those thousand years will perish into nothingness!

[Author's Note:

Creation is hard, cheer me up! And, please support my other books also;

High in Pursuit and Behind the Veil: Vengeful Spirit.]