2. Meeting The Female Lead-Part 1

Jae Woon stared at Mochi, unblinkingly.

"Really? You will help me changing my hideous appearance? And, you will not charge me with anything?"

Mochi nodded its head in enthusiasm.

(Of course, host. I'm a mighty system. I already guided more than a hundred hosts, and all of them managed to complete their mission in flying colors. Just leave it to me, host!)

Jae Woon's eyes once again are brimming with tears. He is suddenly started to cry and the system is flustered by its host's reaction.

Why? Did I say the wrong thing to him? Mochi mentally said. Why did he cry? Aigoo...This is the first time this system is meeting such a peculiar host like him. Despite having a power that could topple the entire continent in a blink of an eye, my host is actually a pure man, with a tender maiden[?] heart. I got myself a very kindhearted host.

Mochi stretched out its hand and gently rubbing Jae Woon's back. This simple gesture of Mochi might not change anything, but, for the miserable Jae Woon, he felt a rush of a warm and soothing feeling calming down his tense nerve. He enjoyed Mochi's touch very much as the turbulence in his heart died down.

(There, there, host. I'm here. You're not alone. Don't lose hope. Didn't the human has this famous saying, hmm...what is the saying...there's always light at the end of the tunnels? Right! So, don't be discourage and held your head up. You should look forward, not downward, host.) Mochi said wisely.

"Thank you, Mochi...hic..."Jae Woon gratefully replied as he wiped his snort and tears away. "I'm not a strong person. I cannot keep up with any sudden change very well. I'm afraid to challenge myself. I reached the pinnacle of my successful life because of my two friends...hic...They always stayed by my sides, encouraging me to move forward and silently supported me from behind. If not because of them, I will wallowing myself in the bad influences of our society and might turn into someone with a terrible personality."

Mochi nodded its head in understanding.

(Since you're now feeling alright, host, let's me explain your role here. But host, who is Mochi?) The system scanned its surroundings with a wrinkled forehead, searching for this 'Mochi' its host mentioned.

"That's your name. Mochi." Jae Woon chuckles when he saw Mochi's confused expression. "Isn't the name befit your appearance very well, Mochi?"

Mochi stared at its host dumbly. Because of his cheerful and innocent smile, Mochi didn't have the heart nor courage to refuse the name that Jae Woon bestowed to this system. Mochi could only sigh due to this dilemma.

(Up to you, host. As long as you like the name, I don't have any reason to refuse your kind offer.)

Jae Woon laughed. Mochi must dislike the name very much, and rather than arguing with each other over a silly matter, Mochi decided to go along with his suggestion.

" You said something about my role here in this world. What kind of role I had?"

(Well, host, my employer choose you because you possessed the rare qualification we desperately need. We requested for you to save the poor male lead from the twisted and terrible fate that he was forced into. In these last few hundred years, a dark and sinister force keeps invading any worlds available out there and overturned the fate of the beloved son of the worlds. The male leads are gradually losing their protagonist halo effect. Some even lose their lives at the beginning of the story and causing those worlds to collapse early. That's why Danial Vermillion is left alone in this sorry state.)

"Wait! This ugly piggy is the male lead of this world? Are you kidding me?" Jae Woon is surprised when he heard such a revelation from Mochi.

(Yes, he is supposed to own a total of seven sets of different elements. But, during the night of his birth, a mishap happened and his mother, Queen Carina is died due to severe blood loss. She is the most powerful light magic user in this world, and the beloved mother of this empire, but, because of her son, the queen died. This is the reason why these people despised Danial so much. Not only that, there is a strange oracle going around at that time. An ill-bringer of fate will be born, he will be taking his beloved people straight to death and plummet the empire's prosperity to doom. People blamed Danial for taking away their queen, and his appearance when he first greeted the world is ugly. They believed the oracle is describing Danial.)

"Poor this young lad. He had so much going around on his plate, and yet, I called him ugly, and worthless human being. I'm sorry." Jae Woon felt sympathetic to Danial's terrible life, that his eyes are filled with unshed tears again.

(That's why you're here, host. You will save him from his cursed fate!) Mochi exclaimed dramatically. (First and foremost, you will gather your ally. Every male lead had their own pair. So, you will need the female lead's help in this situation. Grab her attention before your enemy snatches her away!)

Jae Woon released a heavy sigh. He grudgingly standing up from his crouching position and approached the basin of clear water on top of a broken shelf. He gripped his knuckles tightly as he braces himself to look at his reflection on the water surface. The hideous face full of pimples with bruised and puffy brown eyes is staring back at him. His nose is definitely broken and dried blood smeared all over his face, adding the gruesome sight of a monstrous appearance.

"I don't think she will find me appealing in her eyes, Mochi. She might scream in fear when we crossed upon each other." He said solemnly. "With this kind of face...even if it me..."

(Tsk...tsk...host. Of course, not like this. But, don't underestimate the female lead's undying love towards you, host. She might not be showing this, but, you should know, there are connections and attraction between the two of you. Let's meet her secretly, and I will explain the plots to you along our way there.) Mochi reassured its host.


[Author Note:

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-High in Pursuit

-Behind the Veil: Vengeful Spirit]