"But then the grey looks so good too," he smirked, making Soph groan as she walked behind him. She couldn't stop the smile creeping on her lips when she turned back to look at the gem with him.

"So, you said you and Emily went on the same camp?" she asked casually as she trailed behind him.

"Yeah, it was a robotics tour, actually. Not a camp," he said nonchalantly, inspecting the jewels.

"What was she like?" she asked, hoping she wasn't coming off to weirdly.

He gave her a look over his shoulder and smirked, holding his hand out for her to take. When she did, he locked their fingers and quietly walked hand in hand around the store.

"She's adorable. And funny. And sweet," he said honestly, before creasing his eyebrows in suspicion. "Do you know her?"

She shook her head too quickly. "No. I just follow her online. I saw that she's our mutual," she said defensively, making him raise an eyebrow.