Ragini wakes up first..and looks at sanskar who are sleeping peacefully next to her.. Kissed his forehead.. And went to get freshup..sanskar also wake also comes there..sanskar went get ready for office when ragini comes out of also got ready by ragini..all start have their breakfast…
Later sanky drops kids to on their school.. And left to his office..
Sanskar enters his cabin..and sees his pa rahul who are like brother to him..rahul also shares a good bond with him..
Rahul "may I come in sir.." asks him.. standing out of his cabin..he take take advantage of their friendship in office time..he has to give him his respect..
Sanskar nods..when he enters in.."how many times I had told to not call me Sir.. Won't you hear it.." asks him angrily..
Rahul smiles at him.."but you are here my boss here not my I have to call you by this only.." says giving proper reason to him..
Sanskar "ahh okay..i am ur boss call me by my is an order.." says to him..
Rahul " but.." try to say something..
Sanskar "no if and but..say it.." tells him strictly..
Rahul "okay..sanskar now happy.." asks him glaring him.. cursing him in his mind..for using boss image like this to make him to what he want..
Sanskar "very happy.." says smirking at him..
Rahul "no one can beat you from talk.." says sighing defeated..
Sanskar " member were there..but not now"..says smiling at him.. Then gets sad …thinking something..
Rahul sees thinking deeply .."what happen sanskar..and who is that one..may I know" asks him..
Sanskar comes to his sense hearing him.. "I will tell it later..first you tell why you came here.." asks him.. avoiding that topic..
Rahul " important project is coming..we need to get will be benefit for us.." says to him..for what purpose he came here..
Sanskar "mm ready for it..and han when it is end time" asks him..he can trust Rahul much..
Rahul "I think after two weeks.." says to him..
Sanskar " okay" says nodding to him..rahul left his cabin to start his work he know sanskar trusting him much..he can not let him down he has to give his best..but sanskar and Rahul do not know what is going to happen in their life because if this one project...
After finishing the meeting..swara comes to her cabin tiredly.. Sat in couch..arjun and Ranveer comes to her cabin to ask her about meeting…how it went..
Arjun "princess" calls her..
Swara turns her head towards them tiredly..
Ranveer goes..sat beside her..she places her head on his shoulder..and closed her eyes..he caressed her hair..
Arjun " I' am also your brother..did you do like this with me when I am tired" says to him..fake angrily..
Rv and swara smiles hearing him..
Ranveer " you forget everything that all happened.. When we spend our childhood days.." asks him raising his eyebrows at him..
Arjun " I was small at that times then how can I know.." says innocently he like do not remember it all..
Ranveer " okay..leave it.." says seeing his acting brother..
Swara "sweetu tell me na..what you done for childhood.." asks him smilingly..
Arjun " why..No way" says immediately..
Swara :"then I want to hear it..surely..sweetu" ..calls ranveer lovingly.. No one can not deny hearing her loving tone .especially ranveer ..she is the first priority..after all she is the one who little one among them..
Ranveer " okay..then listen.." says to her..
Arjun "then..I am also wanna join in this to hear it.." says to him jumping in their talk..
Rv nods..smilingly.. Thinking about the best moments..he spent with arjun..
Flash back
He was two years old ..and me five..adharsh bhai was elder for both of us..because he is ten years old..we both are pempared by bhai dad and mom..he loves us lot..same we also loves him lot..when ever bhai goes tuition and other classes.. i still remrmber one day Arjun used to cry..and demands bhai to play woth him..then I reached to him..and make him calm..I start to tell him story to river his mind.. Then he stops crying..and comes placed his head on my lap..then he sleeps hearing the story..then it continued daily..after joining school also he does it..but when he turns seven he stopped dad and bhai are proud of us..we shared good bond…bhai also joined us when he comes back home..
Flash back ends..
Ranveer "then only I get out that work..but when you came in our life that all started again..we mom dad and bhai..loves you more than us" says to het..tears are rolling out from his eyes.. Not only him..even arjun and swara also crying by now remembering their childhood days ..hugs him tightly..
Ranveer also hugs them back..he only have them with him now in this world whom he can address as his family..
That time they hears all knock Sound in three comes to their sense.. composed.. Themselves.. quickly..
Swara "come in…" says to the person who ever knocked her cabin now..
Ishani enters in " swara one new project is going to iss really important.. I think.. you see it..then we can talk about it" says with..smiles..
Swara nods yes to het.."arjun bhai can you see that.." asks her..he is little free now since he completes his work..
Arjun "why not..princess..I will "before he finish his words..rv phone rings.. stopping him from saying further..
Rv attends the call.."okay..i will come.." says to the caller..
Swara " what happen bro.." asks him when he said he is coming where he is going now..he just returned now only now who is planning to take him back..frowns
Rv signs seeing his sister frown he can tell her this.. nevertheless he have to go .."wo I have to go for business trip princess.." says to her looking here and there..
His sister and brother hates it more when he go for business trip cause that will took so much time for him return more they could expect..
Swara arjun and Ishani "what?…" asks him shockingly..
Rv " I know.." about to say to them something..
Swara interrupts in before he say oneore word.."what you know bro.. you came here few days back only..then now you are saying that you want you are not going anywhere" says to him..angrily..
Rv " is important.." says to her try to make her understand..if this was not that much important to him go..he would have declined he is not coming.. unfortunately he has to go there..
Ishani " swara leave know him na..he can not deny to you.. please" says to her seeing ranveer tensed face..
Arjun "han shona..let him go this time..not next time.." says to her in favour his brother who are looking at for his make her agree to this..
Even arjun and Ishani want to stop him..can not stop them selves when look tensed over this..had to help him only now..
Rv " princess.." calls her
Swara looks at three like seriously..three nods yes to her.."okay..but in one can go on this business trip if you refuse to me this one..then forget that trip" says to him seriously..
Rv "offo..what?..??" asks her..he left with no option other than do what she going to say him now..
Swara " when are you leaving..???" asks him.. thinkingly..
Rv " day after morning.. why??" asks her confused..he thought his princess will ask him bring chocolate or something..why she asking about his leave from here for business she going to ask him something big..he wonders what is running on in his princess mind now..
Arjun and Ishani looks at her then each do you have any idea of what she going to ask him..both shakes their head in no..again they looks at swara..
Both can guess she is going to ask ranveer she never talked this much serious when she want him do something for her..then what is this now..what is actually want from ranveer..
They are sure it is not simple thing also what she going to ask him to do..
Swara other hand thinks deeply.."so listen.. you are going to get engaged with ishani by tomorrow evening.." says to him..
Making three jaw dropped on floor with her new demand..what the hell..
Three "what???.." asks her shockingly..