Sanskar without any option left for him goes with Ragini dance. But his eyes glued with Swara and Laksh. Where they both are dancing and enjoying with each other forgetting there was two-person expect them here. Ragini sees Sanskar looking at her sister and her sister-friend...
Ragini "Sanky. Are you looking dhi? or laksh?" asks him...
Sanskar "han," come to sense "no," says quickly...
Ragini "I know I have seen you looking at them. No need to deny that fact," says rolling her eyes at him...
Sanskar sighs inwardly realising he is caught by Ragini staring at them " does she so close to him?" asks her out of jealousy...
Ragini being dump to understand this "han. They both are very close. More than me my sister is close to him. At first, I am used to getting jealous of this matter. Later, my sister told me about him and makes me understand it. That was how I have no problem with this donkey," says him...
Sanskar chuckles hearing Ragini saying Laksh as 'donkey' looks at her again curiously "Is there any problem with laksh??" asks her to know what made his girl get close to someone this much. The time he spent with know about her little, that she distanced herself from men's. Even she talks with them, she maintains her distance well. So kind of curious as to why he's a girl with this Sharma...
Ragini looks at him widening her eyes in shock. Realising, How did he take her words wrongly. "No no. He is fine. There is nothing wrong with him," says in him fast...
Sanskar looks at her confused, did not she say her sister make her understand him. He now wants to know what the hell is that. " if you do not mind to tell me. Then say," says causally to her...
Ragini thinks for a minute before telling him. Why hide this from him. He is also their friend. mm. okay, When he was young, his mother left him and his father as well in this world. He was depressed by the fact that his mother was no more with him now. Neither he can get over with that truth. At that time he was a dhi classmate. Both don't talk much from the beginning or say they never speak before. But when dhi start to notice him closely like that she got up with this news of him and why sad and like to stay away from all. And seeing him like this she gets worried. She started to talk to him. This dump guy has manners at that time, he remains silent only whenever she tries to talk to him. One day that miracle happened some of the schoolboys were misbehaving with him knowing that he won't open his mouth if they bully him. Dhi helps him bring the teacher there. After that only, he started to talk to her, then he became one of our family members. Dhi also got another dad because of him. His dad loves dhi like his own daughter. Being with my sister soon he gets well from his depression state. He is no longer that gloomy boy. He started staying here as well some days. But the truth one is, he is passiveness towards Adhi and same like this dhi also do the same," says the whole story in short for him...
Sanskar heart has turned the soft corner for laksh after knowing this. why won't he? Cause, he is also mothers child from his side. And being away from his mother for his business he missed her a lot. Not having her beside him was something, he could not able to think it for imagination also. But laksh situation is different from him. His mother's not with him, he lost his mother forever, that too when he was young. Felt bad for him. Another side he gets happy for him realising that he got a friend like Swara. Who treated him well, thinking about Swara he gets overwhelmed smiles gently looking at Swara...
Pair get changed in between them. now.. the pair is swayra and Sanskar and Ragini and Laksh. Ragini and Laksh glare at each other. While Swara was stunned by the fact of she is Sanskar pair. She never danced with anyone apart from her friend Laksh and some of them. Other than them she never got to dance with anyone. Or say no one allowed to dance with her when she was with them. This is the first time she is dancing with someone. And Laksh let her dance. what the hell...
Swara turns her head to take a look at Laksh. who seems not bothered about this dance with Sanskar. Did he go to ignore this time? She could not get what to do either. She is familiar with Sanskar there is no doubt. But dance????.
Sanskar frowns seeing she gets distracted. Thinks what happened to her suddenly. Does not want to dance with him?. Or is she uncomfortable with him now?. Unknowingly his grip on her hand gets tightened. Swara looks at him coming to her sense...
The time her eyes meet up with his eyes. His eyes turned soft and gentle. Both
Swara and sanskar are lost in each other eyes...
Ragini and Laksh danced. Laksh smirks evilly twist her without any warning. Ragini who is did not expect this will come now about to fall. But Laksh caught her on time here she could reach the floor. And pulls her towards him. She lands on his chest for the first time, he feels something new being with her. Ragini also felt something odd, she brushed it off. After the dance, all the four of them come down. In the meantime party also gets over. Sanskar and his parents took leave from them. Laksh and his dad stayed back in Swara's mansion tonight...
Flashback ends
Swara who is thinking this all deeply she did not realise her face curved with a smile on her lips. Just then her mobile rings loud making her come to reality. She looks around sigh heavily shaking her head do not wanna think that all again and reached out to her to pick the mobile, attends the call immediately...
Swara "hell-" other letters are left in her mouth only...
Arav "ma," call her cryingly...
Swara get tensed hearing her son crying tone " aarav, what happen? Why are you crying??" asks him softly...
Arav "ma, wo suhani gets hurt. And she is crying not stopping her cry. Please come soon ma please," asks her...
Swara gets shock hearing this. Does her daughter get hurt? Why ? "what???. How come this happened?. okay, I am coming. Do not cry much. You are my strong son right. Take care of your sister you are a bigger one," saying it cuts the call and called their doctor, asked the doctor to come to their house as soon as possible. Left her cabin. She stopped foot seeing Arjun and Ishani in front of her eyesight...
Arjun goes to her seeing her anxious face " what happen? why are you looking horrified worried," asks her...
Swara tells them about arav call and Suhani got hurt and crying in her pain. Three of them left from there without delaying any more second...
Suhani is crying. Aarav tries to his level to console her. And did the first aid to her. But she is crying did not stop. Aarva could not able see his little sister crying like this in front of his eyes, hugs her, pats her head slowly. a
After some time she stopped her cry. In the meantime, three of them enters the mansion worriedly...
Aarav "do not cry. Okay," says looking at suhani softly...
suhani nods her head cutely at him...
Swara "suhani Aarav," runs to them calling their name. "suhani, What happened Roy. And where you get hurt," asks her tensely...
Both of her kids look at her...
Aarav "ma, Relax she was playing. On that process she got hurt. Now only she stops her crying. You do not make her remember it," says looking at three of them. He only knows how much it is difficult for him to make her stop crying. Her face became red, already...
Arjun "okay," says pulling Swara to his side. Stopping her from her cry. He knows if she stares at Suhani one more second, His sister will burst outcry soon. He should stop her. Or else they have to take care of two kids. He knows being a mother her heart will be in pain seeing her kid in pain, sighs in his mind thinking it.
The Doctor came there "can I check her," asks all. All let the doctor do his work while others did not disturb him. That doctor checks Suhani, after checking her. He was about to put an injection on her...
Suhani gets scared seeing the needle which is shining. She shouts "no" and begins to cry again...
Aarav gets sad seeing his sister crying again. "uncle leave injection. Do not inject her. She does not like it and getting scared of this. It is only will give her pain. Please give medicine to her instead of this," request tye doctor...
All look at him surprised...
The Doctor "but," says in thinking way...
Ishani "it is okay, doctor. Give me the prescription of her wound. We will take care of her. If it is anything serious we will let you know," says the doctor politely. The doctor gives a prescription for suhani to Ishani and left their mansion while smiling...
Swara glares at her son " Why did not you allow the doctor to inject her," asks him...
Aarav "how can I see my sister in pain," saying it side hugs her. She also hugs him back smiling at him contently seeing her brother in her side...
Arjun "so much care, like us. Well done my boy," says ruffling Aarav head lovingly...
Aarav " thank you," beamed in happy...
Swara rolled her eyes at them...
While Ishani chuckles at their normal act of ignoring Swara. Left to ask the driver to buy medicines for Suhani giving the prescription...