The Buying of Horror House

"Since many years some peoples have been dying mysteriously; but some have powerful souls still after dying and this house is the best icon of that powerful souls still after dying". John exclaimed. The house was really scary but still its environmental nature was quiet impressive. Its natural view, so many trees, a church, a river flowing beside it is just miracle of god. Now the owner of this house is Ryan Dsouza he was selling this house for 50000$ which is nothing for our storys buyer and that is the Smith Johnson. Smith was recently felled in the love of scenery of that house and he was just enthusiastic to take the house. He just ignored the the words of John agent. And said "I'm fallen in love with this house I want to take it this epic god made scenery is just unbelievable I don't know why but I have never seen this. I will pay the full amount for this deal. Deal it now; I cant wait more." John said "ok as you wish".smith deals with dsouza and take that house now he was the king. After dealing john said "be careful smith many years ago the Davis family was dead here and after that no family ever lived here for a month so you should be very careful thank you for dealing and be happy always". Smith said " sure I will ". And john agent leaves as fast as he can he was believing in jesus so he ignored all the things john said. First 3 days the ghost energy didn't affect him as he was praying jesus powerfully. but on the 3rd days night when he gone to the basement he saw something that is just unbelievable.