The First Experience Of Ghost By Smith

As he turned around he saw the mirror and the horror was no more far from him. He saw a mirror in which a girl was falling from behind, a woman is killed by a man with a gun and a woman killed a man this picture shocks smith he was now fully sure that he will no more live. Again sound comes and it was TV side the TV on mysteriously and then he saw that a man and that lady who killed the whole family have now suicided. The lady killed herself with the knife and the man kills himself with the hanging on the rope.And then the story stops. smith eyes was now opened fully he managed to escape to run somehow but ghost was not giving him a single chance to escape.He again turned to the door but still the ghost was dominating.Now he takes the jesus name and try to escape but still the ghost was dominating him by making obstacles in his exit door by throwing a glass on smith heads. The glass broke with a injury on Smith's head he screams and finally he roars with jesus name and now this time he kicks off the door powerfully with legs and escape as fast as he can and comes in front of jesus and then he sleeps in hall for the whole night. Now after waking up in morning he thought of going to meet the villagers to know the exact story of that house