The Villagers Tale And The Grandmans Introduction

That day smith visited to the villagers to know the full story of that house but know one was knowing it perfectly or correctly some people's was believing that they were doing black magic and so they can be mysteriously gone somewhere but there was grand man in them he attracted smith towards himself with his grand smile and then ignoring all other villagers he moved his legs towards that grand man who was smiling grandly. The grand man said to him that "Hey,new villager welcome to the new village you are looking in some problem isn't it true ?"."yes"said smith."Whats the problem?" asked the grand man. Then smith told everything happened with him at last night. Then listening the whole experience of smith the grand man said that "ok I will solve your problem did you know any other thing about that house? or I should tell you everything which I knew about that house?". smith says"tell me everything which you know about that house I don't know anything about that house please tell me I'm really very scared"and then grand man starts telling his terrifying story.