Exploding together

Shin was blind, the universe was trying to irradiate his eyes into oblivion and all he could do was hold them shut and pray he survived.  When he normally came out of his enhanced state, it felt like the world just started moving faster until it caught up to him.  It wasn't a slow transition, but there was a transition.  This was like an explosion.  One moment he had all the time in the world, and the next he was bombarded by time, by everything around him.

"Breathe, Shin. Breathe.  You're experiencing a strong cognitive dissonance, and your subconscious mind is overloading on sensory data to try and make sense of what happened.  You know what happened though, so calm yourself," Shinja said in soothing tones.

"Do I? What the hell just happened?" Shin asked.

"Just open your eyes."