Ancient Technology

Shin was turning 17 soon, but his life had not afforded him a lot of opportunities to kiss girls. Looking back, he could see that he was way too focused on martial arts and study in his spare time, and always seemed to resort to jokes when he did talk with girls.

Now the most dangerous, capricious, sexy woman he'd ever known was a 1 cm away, and she was going to 'share' something with him. 'It has to be a kiss, right? Or is it… her virginity?' That thought scared him.  If ever there was a woman who might be a black widow, Lily the Death Goddess would be her.

"Shin, are you ready?" she asked, still perched on top of him, hip to hip, forehead to forehead. 

"Right now! Yes! I mean, if you are, I don't want to rush you," Shin said.  His complexion was normally on the pale side, but he had been bright pink for the last few minutes.