[Bonus chapter] The Divergence

[Convergence Cataclysm]

Elliot had taken many sabbaticals from the world. Being locked in the lab below was not the last, or the longest. Still, he maintained that time had moved differently while he was in that lab.  If he had spent really spent as much time there as his rescuers had said, without any other humans, he would have gone insane, right? 

Being locked away in a capsule, unobserved and unobserving, he believed, meant he flowed in the timestream differently.  Time, space, velocity, it is all relative to whoever is observing it.  This theory of his was the beginning of his interest in Quantum mechanics, and he had learned a lot since then.  In fact, the more he learned about the philosophy and meta-physics surrounding it, the more he believed that he only experienced a few decades in the lab, while the world outside had accelerated at break neck speed.  To its doom, unfortunately.