Ninja Mechs

The blade was huge, but it looked more like a salvaged spacecraft than a sword.  Especially as it flew towards Mimi horizontally. 

"Arrghh!" She didn't have time to think, letting the top heavy mech over balance, she fell backwards. Fast.  She heard a keening metallic whine, and realized the dark mech had scraped the paint off the front of her mech's chest plate.

"Holy shit that was close.  System, fire rockets," she said, even as her mech hit the ground.  She held the targeting crosshair firmly on the forward knee of the dark mech.  The rockets fired towards her opponent, as he readied for another swing.  She scrambled her mech back, doing something like a crab walk as most of the rockets hit the target.  "Did I do it? Is he disabled at least?". She regained her feet, spear in a ready position trying to see through the lingering smoke.  Her thermal overlay was washed out from the rocket's detonations.

"What am I waiting for? System, ballistic ammunition."