Spy Girl

Badb was not having an easy time. She had managed to get herself enrolled in the Ottavian Empire's Academy, and it had been a complete slog since then.

'These humans are so complicated. Why do they care about silly things like feelings and grades? Yes they spend a lot of time trying to train and get stronger but it almost seems like it's not as important as who is dating who.'

She was no stranger to sewing discord and propaganda during a long campaign, that made sense to her. The mental welfare of a soldier could make or break an army, she always knew how to ramp up the fear of her foes and demoralize them.  It was a respected and honorable skill to employ for the glory of your gods. The tactics being employed by these children to undercut each other and advance their own agendas, made her feel like she had a lot to learn about the subtleties of this art.