Fire and Water

Ever since Mimi started developing her elemental powers, she felt stunted compared to the other girls.  Not that she was behind them and fighting ability, and she was definitely ahead in durability and regeneration.  Still, there was something about watching them expand their control over the elements and accomplish things that she didn't seem to be able to do.  Then she realized she needed to be more imaginative.

That's where the idea for the fire whips came about. As long as she maintained a connection to her fire, she was able to whip it out almost 2 m from herself.  She hadn't figured out why she was able to do this, but whenever she was unsure about something she blamed it on the nanites. This time she suspected they were helping her, since she could feel the fire like an extension of her limbs. Maybe they were in the fire too?

"This doesn't hurt me! My gi is fireproof!" Neji yelled.