Ancient God Dies, the first time

Thinking of Earth, the distributed consciouness, the great being of the past, remembered more.  It hadn't really forgetten anything, but its memories were encoded in the free floating fundamental particles of the cosmos.  They weren't all even in the same galaxy, its particles were quite diffused through the meta-verse.  That was by design, after all. When the old gods had had enough of him and his friends rewriting the meta-verse as they saw fit, they didn't take it lying down. 

He thought he was invincible ('am I a he,' he thought).  That's the thing about thoughts, you can be right and wrong at the same time.  He found out the hard way that invincible does not mean unstoppbale.  His arrogance allowed the weaker gods to trap him.  His confidence allowed them to dissassemble him.  Even as the beam disassociated his particles, and fired them in all different directions, he was confident he would be rescued, or he'd overcome this trial on his own.