Mech Fighter

Flying was surreal, Shin had never flown in anything but a heli-transport before, and it was nothing like this.  With Shinja controlling the flight, it was like Shin was being taken on a roller coaster ride. It was visceral, and he didn't know what would happen from one moment to the next.

"Ready?" was all Shinja said before barrel rolling them towards the ground.  Shin had time to think about yelling before they did a complicated rotation, making their rockets slow them down until the Mech landed lightly on its feet.

"Can I get sick while playing an immersive game?" 

"Well, while you focused on your stomach, I discovered a few more things," Shinja said.

Shin's display now had a number of line items on it, showing the breadth of the mech's capabilities.

"Shoulder mounted photon cannon, anti tank ballistics, surface to air rockets, field based shields, photon defenses, emp harpoon, laser turrets, … what is all of this?"