Meta Shadows

In the shadow of a great tree, at the bottom of a valley surmounted by a high mountain, the darkness was impenetrable on this moonless night.  The world wasn't bereft of light completely, a few kilometres away the city of Galahadria shone like a searchlight up to the heavens.  If anything, it's brightness, perfect lines, and abundance of technology was the perfect contrast to the loamy darkness under the great gnarled tree. 

There, 16 shadows formed a loose circle, the only light coming from brief flashes of reflected light on their eyes.

"Only 16 of us are here? How is that possible?", a high pitched, but male, voice said.

The only answer were murmurs from the crowd, the swaying of these shadows nearly imperceptible.

"It doesn't make sense, were the others discovered somehow?" the same voice said.